Updated: 14 March 2022
Posted by: Peter Bennett

Betty Kirwan was elected a Honorary Member of Killiney Golf Club at the 2022 AGM. Brenda Sheehan delivered an appreciation of Betty. Here is a transcript of Brenda's address.

Betty Crighton Kirwan (nee Callender) – Hon. Member 3.3.2022

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted this evening to propose a Callender Girl to Honorary Membership of Killiney Golf Club.   Betty Callender Crighton Kirwan to be precise.  Betty was born in the year of our Lord -   I’m not going to embarrass Betty as I’m sure you all know the year at this stage!  She was an only girl with 3 brothers so she was definitely The Original ‘Callender’ Girl.

Captain Betty at the Captains' Drive-In 1989 and at the Lady Captain's Day 2011.

Given Betty’s passion for the game of golf you would think it was perhaps her first sporting love.  Not so – Betty was a ‘rocker’.  Her first love was motor bikes – which isn’t surprising given she had 3 brothers!   It was through motorcycling that Betty met her first love.  Her motorbike trialist partner was one Ian Crighton.  Ian and Betty married 1958.  Ian was a member of Greystones GC so Betty, who had to leave work on marriage, also joined Greystones.   But not for long!  Living in Dalkey with young children wasn’t exactly ideal for commuting to Greystones for a quick 9 / 18 holes of golf.  So, at the behest of her mother-in-law – Dodie Crighton – who was Lady Captain in Killiney in 1963, Betty moved clubs to Killiney and her golfing career never looked back.

When Betty’s children grew up a little and were able to ’mind’ themselves Betty and her great pal – the late Bernice Ringrose – travelled the length and breath of Leinster and sometimes further afield to play in Club and ILGU Opens.  A formidable pair playing off single figures! On many an occasion they played 36 holes a day – no bother to them.  Starting early playing in their Club Comp and then on the road to an open or vice versa!  They both were wonderful ambassadors for Killiney Golf Club.

During this time also, Betty together with Maureen Collins (Eithna Hughes and Gillian Boltons– mother) instigated the Tuesday Glass – This was to encourage new members to meet, mix and learn about the etiquette and rules of golf outside of the heat of competition.  It still thrives to this day.

Betty and Ian had only 20 years together when sadly Ian died.  A few years after Ian’s death Betty met Jack Kirwan, a widower with 3 children so Betty’s family now grew overnight into 7 children.  Betty was incredible is bringing the two families together in a harmonious and loving way.

Ciara and Betty

And she didn’t let it interfere too much with her golf!  There was the Tuesday glass, The Thursday Comp and her little Friday 4 ball with her pals, - Bernice and Eilish (Buckley) both sadly no longer with us and Audrey Hunter and others that made up the 4-ball panel!

Betty also was a golf pros delight - changing her clubs almost yearly.  The best and the latest if it helped her golf and Titleist to the core!  This regular change of golf equipment is always greeted with delight by her golfing daughters and granddaughters.

As we all know Betty has been a stalwart of Killiney since those early days.  She was Lady Captain 1989.  She played on the 1977 winning Townsend Cup Team, the 1981 winning Junior Cup team and represented the club on many teams with honour and distinction.

Grace Kane, Bernice Ringrose, Betty Kirwan, Carmel McGrath (Team Captain), M Campion (Captain), Carmel Brady, Alison Carter, Betty Maguire. (1981)

Betty loves competition and one of her more recent successes was in the Radisson Killiney Invitation Mixed match play in 2019 – only 3 years ago – playing with her son in law Brian McCarthy they reached the semi-finals, losing out to the eventual winners.

Betty Kirwan, Winner of the Maura Brennan Memorial Trophy 2000 with Lady Captain Terry Kirwan

Betty, you are an inspiration to us all and you’re still some rocker! 

Betty and son-in-law Brian McCarthy competing in the Radisson Killiney Invitation Mixed Matchplay 2019.