Date posted: 14th April 2020
Killiney Mixed Invitation Matchplay Competition
Dear Members,
We are delighted to say that entries for this year’s Golden Jubilee Competition were oversubscribed, but with the recent Government announcement that restrictions are going to continue until at least the 5th of May we have unfortunately been left with no alternative but to postpone our Radisson sponsored Mixed Invitation Week.
The golf and social activities during Radisson Mixed Invitation Week including the Gala Dinner on the Friday night are always very well attended, so May 10th is not the time to risk the health of our Members, the Participants, our Office, Bar, Catering and Course Staff.
After discussing this with our Captains we really appreciate and thank them for offering us alternative dates in July, August and September.
We will be guided by unfolding events over the next month and aim to be in a position to confirm the revised qualifying date in late May, or early June.
What we all need at this time is not just something to look forward to but something to focus on.
Enjoy the good weather and we look forward to seeing you in Killiney again soon.
In the meantime, take care, stay healthy and keep safe.
Very best wishes,
Michael P Purcell & Aisling Sherin