Date posted: 16th April 2024

Our very popular Ring & Birdie competition begins on Friday, 3rd May (on President's Prize Day). You may enter on that day or in any 18 Hole Strokes competition after that. We would really encourage you to enter these competitions as they will incentivise you to play your best golf!!

To enter the competitions, please mark your card with B/R on top right hand corner and we will deduct €5 from your competition purse at a later date.
The Ring and Birdie competitions run till the last 18 hole qualifying competition day of 2024.
For those of you who are new to these competitions, these are the rules:

RING Competition
You can enter this competition on the 3rd May or any other 18 hole STROKES competition after that. Your scores for each hole on that day are recorded in the Ring Book. In ANY 18 hole competition (Strokes, V-Par or Stableford) after your entry date, if you have a very good score on any hole and you don’t expect to improve it during the year, ring the score on your card and enter the details in the RING BOOK in the locker room. You may only change the score on each hole ONCE in the year, so make sure you feel it’s your best score possible! You MUST enter your ringed score in the book that day.

BIRDIE Competition
If you score a Birdie on any hole on or after the 3rd May, simply enter your name, the date and the hole number in to the book.  Then write your name and the date on a label and hang it on the Birdie tree. Birdie score MUST be entered in the Birdie Book before the next 18 Hole competition.

There will be prizes in each class.

Ladies Committee