Update posted: 22nd September 2021
The Practice area has now re-opened.
Your attention is drawn to the following:
- It is prohibited to play golf shots in the direction of Church Road from anywhere within the practice area.
- When playing the 9th hole, the Practice area will continue to be treated as GUR.
- The Mats at the teeing area must be used at all times until further notice. It is not permitted to play shots from the area bordered in white at the teeing area.
- The practice bunker is not yet in play.
- Access to the Practice Area is along the right side, to the rear of the gardens to the houses on Beech Court. Care must be taken when entering and exiting the Practice Area.
- All shots played from the mats must be played towards the 3 Target Greens and NOT towards the Chipping Green.
- The Chipping Green is purely for chipping and putting practice.
- Tokens for baskets of practice balls are available from the Pro Shop. Tokens for the dispenser located in the rear of the building cost €3. Please return empty baskets to the buggy store.
Pat Walsh
Course Convenor
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