Date posted: 4th May 2021
Timesheets Live Wednesday 5th May @ 7.15pm
Dear Members,
Timesheets for the above dates will open tomorrow Wednesday 5th May at 7.15pm. The timesheet for Sunday 9th will remain in the current format with only 2 households allowed per line. From Monday 10th the timesheets will revert to fourballs at 10-minute intervals. The household restriction will be removed from this date. We are also removing the cap on the number of games you can book in the eight-day period. However, you may only book one 9-hole slot per day. You may book a second 9-hole slot on the same day, only if there is a space available after you have completed your first 9 holes.
We would like to thank all members for their observance of the booking rules to date. It has meant that all those who have wanted to play have been able to find slots on the timesheet. We would ask that people do show some restraint now that the restrictions are being eased further. We will further review usage during the coming weeks and hopefully providing space is available, we will look to reintroduce some 18-hole times from the 17th of May or 24th of May.
Please note that in accordance with Golf Ireland Guidelines "no organized social gatherings, of any size, are permitted at golf facilities. All golf activities should be organized based on "arrival-play-depart without delay".
Men's and Ladies Committees