Website upgrade.

What's new....

  • Pages are grouped more logically. Clutter is reduced and navigation is simplified. 
  • All pages have been redesigned. Page layout and legibility has been improved with a new typeface and new colours.  
  • There is a Twitter feed on the Public Home Page.
  • The Members’ Home Page contains a lot more personalised information.
  • Overall better performance and stability.
  • Photographic albums and film clips load quicker. The index or thumbnails will be displayed by default.
  • All pages, with the exception of timesheets, are mobile friendly.  56% of "hits" on the club's website are via mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. 
  • You can sync the club's diary with your smartphone or tablet. Only the diary categories you choose to subscribe to will sync. 
  • New tools and templates for administrators. 
  • And much more…..

Some archival material has yet to be transferred. The Photo Archive alone conains 6,000+ photographs and 6 films. Hopefully the transfer and reformatting will be completed by the end of the year.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome. If you spot something amiss: mistakes; mis-spells; something not clicking that should click, please let us know. Use Members’ Feedback.

The BRS Timesheets are not mobile friendly. If you use a smartphone to view the timesheets you'll still have to pinch and expand to read the text. BRS are working on an upgrade.

Peter Bennett