Dear Members,

During the year the Management Committee approved the appointment of golf course architects (re)GOLF to undertake a comprehensive course review and produce a Master Plan for the future development of our course.

A Master Plan is a critical analysis of a golf course as it currently stands. It highlights shortfalls, recommends solutions to eliminate them and suggests ways in which the course can be improved.

The Course Development Committee (CDC) under the chairmanship of our course convenor Graham Molloy, worked with (re)GOLF on developing this Master Plan. The CDC included members, course staff and our professional. It met with (re)GOLF at various times to discuss options for the layout of and potential changes to the course. (re)GOLF have now prepared a draft Master Plan which the CDC and the Management Committee have recommended should be put to the members for consultation and discussion.

The Master Plan can be viewed HERE and will shortly be on display in the clubhouse. (The 34 page document is approx 18MB in size and will take a few seconds to download.) Copies of the Master Plan can also be obtained from the office. Furthermore, an information evening will be held on Thursday 22nd October at 6:30pm at which the plan will be explained in greater detail by (re)GOLF and any member queries can be addressed. The Master Plan forms the basis on which all future course improvements are carried out and is typically implemented over a period of time dictated by club budgetary constraints and members' appetite for disruption. It provides strategic direction for future Management Committees, Course Convenors and course staff as well as ensuring financial resources are utilised in the most effective manner.

It is important to note that no changes to the course are currently planned and that the membership will be consulted on the financial implications of any such changes as and when they occur. We would encourage all members to review the Master Plan which is innovative and provides plenty of "food for thought".

We would also encourage everyone to attend the information evening as all views will be welcome.

Niall Keyes
Secretary Manager