Date posted: 11th January 2023

Dear Members,

Happy New year to all our Members - May 2023 keep you out of the bunkers and help your handicaps drop!

Annual subscriptions are being sent out shortly (please keep an eye on your emails). Payment should be remitted to the Office by January 31st.  Please convey any discrepancies or changes to the office immediately.  We would appreciate if members could pay by Electronic Funds Transfer to the following bank details:
IBAN: IE96AIBK93353808043062
We will be able to accept debit card payments (to the office only) but not credit card payments at this time.

New Members Evening - Wednesday 18th January 7.30pm
We look forward to welcoming all our New Ordinary & Clubhouse Members along with their proposers & seconders, Council and Key Committee & Staff Members.  For those who have received an email invitation to attend please remember to RSVP to Lisa Lowry in the office as soon as possible.

Killiney's Got Talent - Saturday 18th February 
Polish up your party piece and steal your minute of fame at Killiney’s Got Talent!
Talent categories include song, dance, instrumental, comedy, spoken words & other novelty.  

If you are interested in performing, feel free to contact either Maureen or Helen (see poster below for contact details).  Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th January from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the Dining Room. Rehearsals are being spread over 2 evenings to accommodate all performers.  

Book your table for the night (€26pp which includes Fork Supper)by adding your name to the Booking List in the Dining Room or calling the Bar on 01 2851983 Extn 3.


Bird of Prey
An injured bird of prey was found on the course earlier last week. Thankfully, Carol in the Proshop came to the rescue and arranged for it to collected by the RSPCA.  For more details chat to Carol next time you are in the proshop.  Well done Carol!

Smartcard Reminder: Please keep an eye on your smartcard purse balances and ensure they are topped up in advance of using your smartcard in the Bar and Pro-shop - Thank You.

Care & Maintenance Reminder:
Please repair all plug marks, divots, rake the bunkers properly (even if they are of not your own making), carry a sandbag and please keep up with the group in front – it's your golf course!

Photograph Albums
To view all 2022 Photographs please Click Here.

For the latest Competitions Results please Click Here.

New Members Welcome Evening - Wednesday 18th January @ 7.30pm
Killiney's Got Talent Social Night - Saturday 18th February (see details above)