Course status

Course Open. Buggies are permitted on the course today.

Posted by: Mark Carwood
Date: 4 June 2024

31st May, 2024

Dear Member,

I hope you like the new website. It includes much more than a lick of paint and new colours. Please test it out and explore the various menus. The site will work on a PC, tablet and a smartphone. There's one particular upgrade that I’d like to draw your attention to. It’s a dedicated Search function. This will work on the Public Area and on the Members’ Area. It is particularly useful Search when accessing our fantastic Archives and will retrieve postings going back to 2015. If you want to test it, best to sign in (log in), and enter what you are looking for into the Search box. The Search box will always display at the top of the screen. As a start, why not type your name into Search, and see what pops up?

All software can be improved and will inevitably contains a few bugs. Our website is no different. If you spot an issue please let us know. It could be a broken link; a menu not behaving as it should; a missing page; navigation that is a bit confusing; or something else. Send us an email giving us as much information about the issue as you can. We’ll add it to our “to do list” and will get it fixed as quickly as possible.

I would like to especially thank Peter Bennett and Cathy McGovern for all their hard work in the background supporting this development.


Mark Carwood
General Manager


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