Date posted: 11th February 2021

Dear Member,

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club is due to take place on Wednesday 24th March 2021.  A formal notice of the meeting and the resolutions to be considered will be notified to all relevant members in advance.   Given the current restrictions, this will be the first AGM held via Zoom and full details on how to join that meeting will be circulated in advance.  

The main business of the evening will be to consider the audited financial accounts for the 12 months to the 31st December 2020 and to vote on a number of amendments to our current Constitution.  We will also elect three new Officers to Council as Roisin McCarron, Honorary Secretary, Sean Hayes, Honorary Treasurer and Paddy May, Course Convenor have now completed their terms of office. 

If you are interested in any of the positions, please advise the Secretary Manager by Sunday 21st February 2021.  All candidates will be forwarded in confidence to the Officer Nominations Committee comprising of the Chairperson, both Captains and the Honorary Secretary.  This committee will then nominate one suitable candidate for each position to Council and in turn those nominees will be put to a vote by the members at the AGM in March. 

Officer positions normally run for a three-year term however in order to avoid a repeat of three Officers leaving Council all at once, Council have decided that the current vacant position of Honorary Treasurer will run for a two-year term as a ‘once off’ to stagger vacancies on Council going forward.  This role will return to its usual three-year term proceeding that.

As you are aware, due to the pandemic, the current President Valerie Hand, Men’s Captain Brendan Seaver, Ladies’ Captain Diane Browne and Vice Captains George O’Connell and Irene Campbell will remain in their current positions for a second term in 2021 as agreed by Council last year.  The Chairperson Jim Mountjoy and House Convenor, Gillian Bolton will be put forward for re-election as is the normal procedure. 

If you have any queries please contact the Honorary Secretary, Roisin McCarron or the Secretary Manager Niall Keyes. 

Yours sincerely,


Roisin McCarron
Honorary Secretary.