Date posted: 6th October 2021
Thank you to all who responded to our survey. In total, there were 156 responses of which approximately 59% were Male and 41% were Female. This is an accurate reflection of the gender balance of the current playing membership. 85% of the responses came from ordinary members.
As regards overall satisfaction levels, 65% are either very satisfied or satisfied. 18% are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied, leaving 17% who are neither satisfied or dissatisfied. 89% are clear on the timesheet booking process, with 11% unclear. A majority are in favour of leaving the multiple day booking times in place.
35% were not aware of the opportunity to book other gender lines after 72 hours. Morning and middle sessions are the most popular with over 70% of respondents favouring these times. 67% of respondents have taken part in the 9 hole competitions over the summer months, with the majority believing there are enough dedicated lines currently for these competitions.
As regards Winter golf, this question showed by far the largest disparity between male and female answers with 75% of females favouring 9 holes, and 45% of males favouring 9 holes.
Some recurring questions:
Q: Why not play 3 balls on Saturday similar to Thursday?
A: If we were to play 3 balls on a Saturday, we would lose 36 slots. We will continue to monitor free slots on Saturdays and if the number is consistently high, we will review and look to reinstate 3 balls in the quieter sessions.
Q: Why can casual golf not be played on Thursday or Saturday if there are free spaces?
A: Casual golf has never been allowed during competition times. However, we have introduced some casual lines this month which will start after the competition times whilst light permits.
Q: When can I book other gender lines?
A: 72 Hours after the timesheet opens. So Friday at 7pm for the following Thursday and Sunday at 8pm for the following Saturday.
Q: How can competitions be played over two days if the pins are in different positions?
A: Under Golf Ireland Regulations for alternate day competitions, Rule 33-1 states the holes and teeing grounds may be differently situated on each day of a competition, provided that, on any one day, all competitors play with each hole and each teeing ground in the same position.
Q: How can we improve the pace of play?
A: Your committees will issue a separate note shortly reminding everybody of their responsibilities on the course.
Once again thank you all for your participation. The information gathered has been very helpful and gives us a better insight as we move forward. We will continue to trial alternative formats for the winter months and your committees will be in touch in due course.
Men's and Ladies Golf Committees.