Date Posted: 22nd September 2021
Dear Members,
What a fantastic day everyone had last Sunday at our Club's Finals day. The sun shone along with all the silver wear, and the golf was terrific throughout the day - Congratulations to all our well deserved winners.Caption here
Here's a sneaky peek at some of the photographs taken on the day.

Captain Brendan, President Valeria, and Captain Diane with all the trophies.
Lots more to follow soon...

Cutting of the Ribbon
The atmosphere at the Prize Presentation was electric and great fun was had all round which was then continued on at the Opening Ceremony of our New Practice Area with the ribbon cutting performed by our President Valerie Hand with the help of our Captains Brendan & Diane and Course Convenor Pat Walsh.
For information on October Timesheets please Click Here.
Why not drop up tomorrow mid morning and join in on Ireland's Largest Coffee Morning "Bewley's Social for Hospice". In its 29th year, this fabulous annual event supports specialist palliative care all across Ireland. I'm certainly looking forward to my coffee break tomorrow and to sampling the lovely homemade cakes baked by some our wonderful lady members - Yummy! All donations are welcome. Even if you cannot stay, swing by, Grab, Support & Go!
Roll on the weekend for our Ryder Cup Social Sunday on this Sunday 26th September. Remember to book your table in the bar or restaurant, order from our Snack Menu, have a drink and sit back and watch the Final in the company of your golfing friends. Menu is available from 5pm-7pm (max 6 per table). Bookings need to be made before tomorrow evening (Thursday 23rd Sept) by calling the Bar on 01 2851983.
The Gardening Committee sends a huge thank you to those who have already contributed to our Spring Bulb Donations. For anyone that still wants to donate, please note that we have only two weeks left before the planting season begins. Click Here for more details.
Our Practice Area has now re-opened. Please Click Here to familiarise yourself with the Practice Area Rules.
Leo has an update to his Upcoming Golf Classes - please Click Here for more information.
Stay Safe & Hold Firm!
Men's Singles - Thursday 17th & Friday 18th September
Ladies 18 Hole Stableford - Thursday 16th & Saturday 18th September
Ladies 9 Hole Stableford - Friday 17th and Sunday 19th September
Men's Super Tuesday Invitation 9 Holes - Tuesday 21st September (Advent Risk Management)
Invitation 9 Hole Scotch Foursomes Team Event - Sunday 3rd October (Kirwan Financial Services) (Timesheet opens this evening Wednesday @ 7.15pm) Catering details to follow.
Thursday Snooker Club Re-opens - Tomorrow Thursday 23rd September
Hospice Coffee Morning - Tomorrow Thursday 23rd September
Ryder Cup Weekend - Friday 24th to Sunday 26th September
Ryder Cup Sunday Social - Sunday 26th September
Invitation Team Event (Findlater Wine & Spirit Group) - Sunday 24th October
Bank Holiday - Monday 25th October
Junior 18 Hole Competition - Wednesday 27th October
Men's Hamper Day 1 - Saturday 30th October
Clocks Go Back Tonight - Saturday 30th October
Men's Hamper Day 2 - Sunday 31st October
Halloween - Sunday 31st October