Dear Members,
As part of the Strategic Review, the Club is holding a series of Focus Group meetings on the 19th & 20th of October to get your views on what we need to do to ensure Killiney Golf Club is the best it can be.
For further information and details on how to register please
Membership Application Forms for 2022 are now available
and can be downloaded from the homepage of our website (public and Membership areas). There are also printed copies available from the office.
Please note: Applications must be returned to the office by 31st October 2021 to be considered for membership in 2022.
PACE OF PLAYFollowing on from some comments in the recent survey, we would just like to take this opportunity to remind all players of their responsibilities regarding pace of play. In addition the committee will be monitoring start and finishing times in the coming weeks in order to assess what measures need to be taken to ensure that all players can enjoy their round at a reasonable pace. In particular and most importantly your position on the golf course is behind the group in front of you . If the group behind you are slow it is not an excuse for you to lose ground on the group in front.
Reminder of Player responsibilities
Very few golfers would admit to being slow players but we can all do our bit to play a little bit faster.
- Be ready to play
- While you are waiting to play, use your time wisely so when it is your turn you are ready to play.
- When it is your turn to play, play promptly.
- Consider your pre-shot routine - saving even a few seconds will help.
- When play of a hole has been completed, leave the putting green quickly.
- Play at a good pace
- Keep up with the group in front.
- Invite the group behind to play through if appropriate.
- Play a provisional ball to save time if you think your ball may be lost.
Simply put, "ready golf" means that each golfer within a group hits when ready.
If you reach your ball and are ready to hit, while other members of your group are not yet prepared, then go ahead and hit - even if you are not furthest away – provided it is safe to do so.
Examples of Ready Golf include:
• Hitting a shot when safe to do so if a player farther away faces a challenging shot and is taking time to assess their options
• Shorter hitters playing first from the tee or fairway if longer hitters have to wait
• Hitting a tee shot if the person with the honour is delayed in being ready to play
• Hitting a shot before helping someone to look for a lost ball
• Putting out even if it means standing close to someone else’s line
• Hitting a shot if a person who has just played from a greenside bunker is still farthest from the hole but is delayed due to raking the bunker
• When a player’s ball has gone over the back of a green, any player closer to the hole but chipping from the front of the green should play while the other player is having to walk to their ball and assess their shot
• Marking scores upon immediate arrival at the next tee, except that the first player to tee off marks their card immediately after teeing off.
Mens and Ladies Committees
Stay Safe & Hold Firm!
Due to staff illness could we ask you to visit the Results Section of the website. Thank you
Findlater Invitation 9 Hole 4 person Rumble Stableford - Sunday 24th October (Timesheet opens this evening @ 7pm) (Catering Details to follow)
Bank Holiday - Monday 25th October
Junior 18 Hole Competition - Wednesday 27th October @ 8am
Men's Hamper Day 1 - Saturday 30th October
Clocks Go Back Tonight - Saturday 30th October
Men's Hamper Day 2 - Sunday 31st October
Halloween - Sunday 31st October
Past Presidents' & Past Captains' Golf & Dinner - Friday 5th November
Ladies Fourball Christmas Hamper & Dinner - Wednesday 10th November
Ladies Dinner & Trophies - Friday 19th November
Ladies Tuesday Glass Hamper & Tea Party - Tuesday 23rd November