Date posted: 1st June 2021

Following on from the Chair, Jim Mountjoy's email, we would like to take this opportunity to provide more colour on the upcoming timesheet changes.  Our two Committees have been working together over the last few months to come up with a new competition structure that more accurately reflects our current membership and the increased demand we are seeing from all sections for tee times.  With this in mind, your committees have got together and would like to trial some new competition formats over the coming months, which will hopefully ensure that all members will be able to participate in the main weekly competitions.  The new format will offer more booking flexibility, the opportunity to play in both 9 and 18-hole competitions on a weekly basis and hopefully see a reduction in the use of waiting lists.

As stated above our club membership profile has changed significantly over the last number of years.  We are delighted to say we have seen a significant increase in our playing membership in the 20-50 age category (both male and female).  This ensures that Killiney Golf Club now has a very solid platform from which to build for the future.  As a result of this, the demand for weekend golf has increased significantly and now needs to be addressed.

So, what is changing?
First and foremost, the main 18-hole weekly competition will now be played over two days Thursday and Saturday for both Men and Ladies.  The 9-hole Thursday/Saturday competitions for Men and Ladies will move to Friday/Sunday.  If you play in the 18-hole competition on a Thursday, you will not be able to enter the 18-hole competition on a Saturday and vice versa.  On both days there will be dedicated lines for Men, dedicated lines for Ladies and a number of lines bookable by any combination.  Men will retain the majority of tee times on Saturdays and Ladies a majority on Thursdays.  If the dedicated lines are not filled 72 hours after opening, they will revert to open lines bookable by all.

Booking dates will continue as they are currently, Thursdays will open 9 days in advance on Tuesdays at 7pm and Saturdays 9 days in advance on Thursday at 8pm.  Over the two days the total 18-hole slots available to Men and Ladies will be increased from current levels.

The 9-hole Ladies and 9-hole Men's competition will run on Fridays and Sundays.  There will be reserved lines on Friday morning 10.30am-11.50am and once again there will be lines for Ladies, Men and any combination.  On most Sundays, the designated lines will be any combination and run from 10.00am-10.30am.  On both days, you may enter the competition on any free line as long as you have a marker and you have swiped in prior to your tee time.  The reserved lines for Fridays/Sundays will open on Wednesday evenings at 7.15pm.  These lines may only be booked at this time by those members who are not playing in an 18-hole competition.  All players who intend to play in the 18-hole competition that week may also enter the 9-hole competition but only 7 days in advance.  If you decide to play in the 9-hole competition on Friday, you may still play casual golf on Sunday and vice versa.

President Valerie Hand's prize to both the Ladies and Men had to be postponed due to Golf Ireland restrictions this year, and with the bar/restaurant facilities for outdoor dining reopening, your Committees have decided to start this trial on 10th and 12th June with the first Major of the season: The President's Prize - for both sections.  We would like to sincerely thank Valerie for generously sponsoring the competitions.  We are delighted to announce there will also be a 9 hole "President's Prize" competition this year, one for Ladies and one for Men.  These will take place on Friday 11th/Sunday 13th June and will only be available to those not playing in the 18 hole "President's Prize" 18-hole competitions.
(The ability to enter both the weekly 9/18-hole competitions will be available from Friday 18th June).

The new format timesheets are available to view below, on the Website and BRS App, and will open for booking Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday this week.

We understand change is never easy, but we believe that these new arrangements will prove to be popular with the majority of our members.  We will continue to monitor and adjust, as necessary.  A new email address has been set up and we would welcome your feedback as the pilot progresses.

Timeline for Booking President's Prize
Timesheet for Thursday 10th June Ladies/Men's 18 Hole President's Prize opens Tuesday 1st June @ 19.00.
Timesheet for Saturday 12th June Ladies/Men's 18 Hole President's Prize opens Thursday 3rd June @ 20.00.
Timesheet for Friday/Sunday 11th/13th Ladies/Men's 9 Hole President's Prize opens Wednesday 2nd June @ 19.15.

Captains Brendan & Diane.