Course status

Course Open. Buggies are permitted on the course today.

Date Posted: 24th November 2021

Dear Members,

Club Re-Opening night this Friday, 26th November has been postponed until the New Year.

Please CLICK HERE to see December Competition Timesheets information.

Gentlemen - Please CLICK HERE to see Notice of AGM of the Men's Section of KGC on Wednesday 1st December @ 7.30pm.
Original was emailed to all voting male members on 16th November 2021.

Ladies - Please CLICK HERE to see Notice of AGM of the Ladies Section of KGC on Thursday 2nd December 2021 @ 7.30pm.
Original was emailed to all voting lady members on 4th November 2021.



Well, well, well, all I can say is hats off the the Ladies of KGC - What a fantastic, well deserved end, Lady Captain Diane received to her two year reign from her great KGC friends (and a Few Good Men!) at her Ladies Dinner & Trophies 2021 last Friday night.
If you want (need) a really good giggle, I urge you to take a 10 minute break, put your feet up grab a cuppa or your favourite tipple and sit back and enjoy - I promise you will not be disappointed. CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST LAUGH YOU WILL HAVE THIS YEAR!
Please Click Here for photos on the Night.  Congratulations to all the 2021 Winners.





 Logs are now available for the taking at the top of the Carpark - Help Yourself. 


Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to two fine Gentlemen Members this week. R.I.P.

Arthur Murphy
Ray McLoughlin

Stay Safe!


For the latest Competitions Results please Click Here

Mixed 9 Hole Hamper - Saturday 4th December (availability)

Final Tuesday Glass for 2021 - Tuesday 30th November
Men's AGM - Wednesday 1st December @ 7.30pm
Ladies AGM - Thursday 2nd December @ 7.30pm
Christmas Dinners & Lunches
Christmas Eve - Friday 24th December (Clubhouse Closed)
Christmas Day - Saturday 25th December (Clubhouse Closed)
St. Stephen's Day - Sunday 26th December (Clubhouse Closed)
Captain's Charity 9 Hole Invitation Team Event (In aid of Festina Lente) - Monday 27th December (Details to follow)
Bank Holiday - Monday 27th December
Bank Holiday - Tuesday 28th December


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