Date posted: 4th Nov 2021
Dear Members,
In accordance with Club rules, it is the practice of the club to reclaim any unused monies from your social levy/smart card account at the end of the calendar year.
At a meeting of Council on Monday 1st November it was agreed, because of the effects of the Pandemic, that no such reclaim will be made by the club this year and that all outstanding balances on your smartcard will transfer to 2022.
The carry forward balances from 2020 and 2021 will remain available to members until 30th April 2022 at which time members will forfeit any remaining balance from those specific years.
As is always the case, all top ups regardless of when made by members, will not be affected by this measure.
The 2022 levy will continue to be available to members as normal until 31st December 2022.
With kind regards
Clodagh Hughes
Honorary Secretary