Date posted: 4 July 2018

Dear Members,

Please find below a report outlining some of the work undertaken by the Council since the AGM in November last.

Club Finances

Despite poor winter weather which resulted in the course being closed for 30 days our results for the first six months of the year are positive and in line with budget expectations.

Course Machinery is a significant capital cost to the club and needs to be maintained and serviced on a regular basis, much of which is carried out by our course staff. However, all machinery has a life span and planning for funding of replacements is a key objective of the Club. The Finance Committee are creating a 10-year replacement plan to identify Course Machinery that will need replacing and to manage the financing of these purchases.

The Finance Committee have recently approved the purchase of a new Greens Mower which will replace the current mower which was acquired 10 years ago.


Fourteen new Ordinary Members and six new Clubhouse Members joined the Club this year and all were welcomed at an event in the Clubhouse on the 19th April. New members names are marked with an asterix on the timesheets to allow members to introduce themselves and get to know the new members.


A plan has been approved to replace the pathway from the back of the 3rd green/ 2nd tee through to the back of the 1st green/4th tee, extending one gate and closing another to allow easier access for players and buggies. This work will now take place in the Autumn and should improve both access and the presentation of the area for the future.

In addition, the Club have retained the services of an Arborist to review our stock of trees and to create a long-term plan for the maintenance and management of our trees.

The new irrigation system is now fully working, and we are seeing the benefits on the course during the current drought period. As a result of the wet winter, the club had a full tank and a full pond which have provided sufficient water for the greens and the tees to date. We currently have water for a number of weeks and are continuing to monitor our resources and their use.


Sixty-Four new Lockers have been installed in the basement over the winter and they are fully subscribed. In addition, works to create a junior locker area at the back of the clubhouse have been completed.

Following the installation of the new trophy cabinet, the pennants have been reinstated in the bar and we are looking at further improvements to the display areas.

The Club has leased five new buggies supplementing the three buggies we currently own.

New Committees

As a result of the club’s strategic review which was approved at the EGM last November, it was agreed that four new standing committees would be created.

The new committees: Finance, Membership, Marketing & Communications and Strategic, are now up and running and some have already been making submissions to council.

It is intended that each committee will make a written report to the AGM on their work completed during the year. These committees serve the following functions and comprise the following personnel;

Strategic Committee

The aim of the Strategic Committee is to take a long-term view of the challenges facing the club over a 5 to 10-year period and examine options to improve member services and to develop strategies for managing future challenges.

Ken McCullagh
Keara McAndrew
Grainne O’Donovan
Diarmuid Power
Ronan MacGiolla Phadraig
Niall Keyes

Marketing & Communications Committee

The aim of the Marketing & Communication Committee is to improve both disciplines with a view to members feeling more engaged and happy to be members of KGC as a result of the clubs enhanced internal marketing & communications strategies.

Clodagh Hughes
Cathy McGovern
David Little
Gerry Drum
Niall Keyes

Membership Committee

The aim of the Membership Committee is to review the optimum number of members in each category, examine options for new member classifications and any other items relating to membership and make recommendations to Council. The Committee are not involved in processing or accepting individual applications for membership.

Miriam McCullagh
Brendan Barrett
Claire Blake
Carolyn McGovern
Aengus Cummins
David Mc Namara
Niall Keyes

Finance Committee

The aim of the Finance Committee is to prepare a long term financial plan for the club and to review applications for Capital Expenditure and make recommendations to Council.

Jim Mountjoy
Sean Hayes
Joe McNeice
Eimer McGovern
David Ringrose

Strategic Plan

Work on completion of the strategic plan is ongoing and it is envisaged that this will be published over the summer and posted on the website for all members to view.

Wishing you a wonderful summer of golf.

Yours sincerely,

Roisin McCarron
Honorary Secretary
Killiney Golf Club