Date posted: 4th October 2018

Plummers golf in 2018 was a very busy season. If you recall the horrendous weather we all endured, starting with the snow, the Beast from the East, then more snow all leading to prolonged course closures, there was a huge pent up demand for golf. By the time of the first Plummers evening on Monday 16th April the worst of the weather was behind us and the Plummers regular Monday evenings benefited greatly from a lovely spring and a beautiful summer.

The Plummers are group of high handicap golfers (17.5 or greater) who play a 9 hole stapleford competition every Monday night between April and September and in season 2018 we had 22 Monday night competitions.

One of the key aims of the Plummers is to encourage new members to participate and become immersed, integrated and comfortable in the warm conviviality that Killiney Golf Club proudly champions.  2018 was by any standards a very successful year for the Plummers. We welcomed several new members who participated and actively engaged in all our activities and featured well in subsequent competitions.

The Plummers Committee responsible for managing the golf each week in 2018 was Brendan Conway (Plummers’ Captain), Frank Fitzgerald (Treasurer), & Peadar Nolan (Competition Sect). However, numerous other roles are carried out by others in the group. Thanks to Matt Campbell who religiously manages the BRS timetable and Peter Bennett who effortlessly provided technical solutions for site web matters relating to the Plummers and also his professional services as photographer.

Busy at work

One of the great new traditions introduced in 2017 during Paddy McMahon’s tenure as Plummers Captain was the Plummers trip to Spain. Following a successful outing to Woodenbridge in May 2017 the idea of going to Spain was proposed by John Nolan. Indeed, not only did John propose the trip he also went on to organise the event. It was so greatly received that it is now being repeated for 2018. One of the hidden benefits of the Spanish trip was that it enhanced a greater camaraderie among the Plummers and we have enjoyed that bounce all through 2018.

The demand for the Spanish trip in 2018 was evident immediately at the start of the season and a sub committee was formed comprising Brendan Conway, John Nolan, Karl Unger and headed by Tour Leader Ronan King. This year’s trip to El Rompido Spain takes place on 21st to 25th October.  24 brave souls are going on this epic tour and plans are well in place for Ryder Cup competition format. The European team will be led by Captain Brendan McAndrew and Team USA will be led by Michael Purcell. We also welcome the services of club professional Leo Hynes who will accompany the group as team coach and play for either side on alternative days. It promises to be a major highlight.

El Rompido Spain 2017

One of the other events introduced in 2017 is the trip to Woodenbridge. This takes place during the Tuesday of Radisson Mixed Invitation week with subsequent social evening and Prize Giving presentation back in Killiney Club house. It complements and fits in seamlessly with Radisson week activities and is now a regular fixture in our calendar.

Woodenbridge Outing with Practice on the 19th

Our final day’s golf as always is the Plummers Hamper and Dinner which will take place this year on Sunday 11th November. It is always a great finale to the season.

As Plummers’ Captain in 2018 I have had a most enjoyable year and have really appreciated all the great things about golfing in Killiney but mostly I would like to thank the Plummers for attending in great numbers on Monday nights to play golf and later socializing over a plate of food and a pint in the club after our round. I would also like to thank the Men’s Committee for their warm support, Mike Brown and his team for their excellent work on the course, the Proshop for registering our competitions each week, Mark for preparing excellent cuisine, and to John and the bar team for their first class service.

 Finally, Some key points for the 2018 Season: -

  • The Plummers ran 22 weekly competitions with an average turnout of 39 golfers playing.
  • 2018 Plummer of the Year was JOHN URWIN

Winner of Plummers Captain’s prize was RAY WOODROOFE

Plummer of the Year John Urwin

Winner of Plummers Captain's Prize Ray Woodroofe