Updated: 27 November 2018, 1:08pm
Gordon Horsfield - Snooker Report

It is one of the highlights of the Snooker season – Killiney vs. the Royal St. George Yacht Club for the coveted Bruce Lyster trophy.

The excitement had been mounting for months. Des the ‘Long one’ FitzGerald returned after playing his annual exhibition matches in Jersey where his legendary 147 is still whispered around their snooker halls. It is unclear how many visits to the table he took to achieve this total but we do hope not too many. Des was an easy pick by the Captain and partnered with Stan ‘the Man’ Noble should take the wind from their sails – so to speak.

Tony ‘The Don’ Jenkins confirmed the rumours that he will have a cameo role in the new Godfather IV movie. Ivan is hoping for a bit part – They are considering using his leg in a restaurant explosion scene - is there no limit to the lengths this man will go to for a glimmer of fame?

Unfortunately Tony could not make the evening but it is believed to only be a flesh wound so he should be back with us shortly. Arthur Jordan – an obvious selection with his potting skills was partnered with Ronnie Butler - Interestingly most of the potting Ronnie Butler does these days is in his greenhouse – but he is still as keen as anyone.

While selecting the team I normally check previous years and see who is available and I stumbled over a few old teams and names such as Tom Brett, Joe Nagle and George Crawford appeared on the page and certainly brightened up my day.

My first team as captain was in 2004 and this is the team that won the trophy that year.

2004 Team    
Johnny Hunter
George Crawford
Marcus Cleary
Arthur Jordan
Tom McGovern
Gordon Horsfield
Joe Nagle
Willow Murray
Michael Thunder
Billy Bolger
  Some missed but not forgotten


This year we played two frames before dinner when Mark, Gerry,  John and their teams gave us a wonderful dinner with the odd bottle of Masi - and with the score one frame apiece it was a great start to the evening.

Unfortunately the next frame was a dismal performance by our Gordon Horsfield and although his partner Joe ‘Tornado’ McAvin tried really hard it was two frames to one in a flash.

Maurice McCudden and Peter Wyse (Killiney’s secret weapon) were up next and Killiney supporters smiled and whispered among themselves – Should be two all shortly.

Well that was what we thought but apparently the buccaneers from the seafront had other plans and Shiver me timbers – with no time to battle down the hatches - we were keelhauled – 3-1 and the trophy was lost.

We will have to wait 12 months to try again this time in the wonderful setting of the George.