Date posted: 12th April 2022

Dear Members,

Please note the following important updates from Golf Ireland:

Handicap Index:
From 1st April your Handicap Index is mandatory on all scorecards. 
The printed competition label incorporates all handicaps [Handicap Index, Course Handicap, Playing Handicap].  It is recommended that players record all handicaps, if completing a manual scorecard. 

No Returns: 
It is unacceptable if a player fails to submit a score from an authorised format of play, unless there is a valid reason, such as injury, illness or emergency.  Players are asked to return cards for all competitions, including incomplete rounds.  When recording scores on the computer, for a hole not started please use the "Hole Not Played" key rather that the "0 / NR" key.










Course Handicap:
Golf Ireland has advised that players must record scores against their Course Handicap, for Stableford and VPar competitions.  There may be occasions when a player's Course Handicap differs from their Playing Handicap e.g. Course Handicap 18 and Playing Handicap 17.  In this instance, if Index 18 is a Par 4, the player should record a score for the Index 18 hole, rather than picking up after playing 5 shots.  While they will not receive any stableford points, it provides a more accurate and complete handicap record.

Men's & Ladies Handicap Committees