Date posted: 23rd February 2022

Dear Members,

Lots going on not to be missed!

Course Works
Please note that the annual fairway verti-draining aeration commenced last Monday 21st February and will continue through the week. There will be two machines operating on the fairways. The course staff will endeavour to limit the disruption to members during this time.  We would ask you to be mindful of staff during these works.

Team Match
Fitzgibbon Cup Match Killiney Vs Woodbrook this Sunday 27th February - All Support Welcome.

Ladies Tuesday Glass
Due to course closure there was no Glass Competition yesterday 22nd February. The Fun Competition "Three Clubs and a Putter" will now be played next Tuesday 1st March 2022. 

Club Annual General Meeting
The Club's AGM will take place in the Clubhouse Dining Room next Wednesday, 2nd March @ 7.30pm.
To view the Notice of Annual General Meeting please Click Here.  

St. Patrick's Celebration Trad Session
Our fantastic Social Committee have been hard at work once again. If the St. Valentine's Dinner is anything to go by, this is one not to be missed!  Book in and put Saturday 12th March in your diary! 
Omission of error from last week's Weekly Digest - Nollaig Fahy, Social Committee Chairman, would like to extend his sincere thanks to Julie Savage for her wonderful photography taken at the St. Valentine's Dinner on Saturday 12th February last - Click Here to see Julie's great work on the night. 

Bridge Club
We are delighted to see the Bridge Club returning to the Clubhouse next Monday evening at 7.30pm. 
Please Click Here for full details.

Those Were the Days - Have you ever wondered what Killiney Golf Club was like in 1911?
The Memorabilia Committee have been collecting some great stuff - Click Here to see Peter Bennett's latest report. 

Reminder - Care & Maintenance
Remember to please repair all plug marks, divots, rake the bunkers properly (even if they are of not your own making), carry a sandbag and please keep up with the group in front – it's your golf course!

For the latest Competitions Results please Click Here

Ladies Spring League Party - Thursday 24th February @ 7.00pm
Club AGM - Wednesday 2nd March @ 7.30pm
St. Patrick's Celebration Trad Session - Saturday 12th March @ 7.30pm