Date posted: 29 December 2022

Regular Competitions in KGC

This is a document to help members understand the regular golf competitions that take place in Killiney Golf Club every week. It gives some information on each competition and details when the timesheet goes live and who may play in the competition.

The ladies’ and men’s committee both run two weekly competitions, an 18 Hole competition and a 9 Hole competition.

A number of subcommittees run additional competitions throughout the year.

Important note

Anyone playing in the competition on Thursday may not play on Saturday (irrespective of whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes).


18 Hole Competition for Ladies



18 Holes – format as noted on the timesheet and dairy


Thursday and Saturday – alternate days


Bookings for Thursdays open on Tuesday @ 7pm 9 days in advance,

Bookings for Saturdays open on Thursday @ 8pm 9 days in advance

Who can enter:

All female members with a Handicap Index

Junior girls with a Handicap Index of 30 or lower can book 2 days prior to the competition.

No casual golf unless where the timesheet specifically permits at the end of the day

No guests or clubhouse members.


All year round

Entry fee:

€6 for regular competitions, see timesheet banners for others


Ladies’ Committee – Competition Secretary Marianne Doran


Important note

Anyone playing in the competition on Thursday may not play on Saturday (irrespective of whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes).

Regular Competitions

18 Hole Competition for Men



18 Holes – format as noted on the timesheet and dairy


Thursday and Saturday – alternate day

During the Winter League (January -February): alternate days are Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There will be no designated competition lines on Fridays and Sundays. 


Bookings for Thursdays open on Tuesday @ 7pm 9 days in advance.

Bookings for Saturdays open on Thursday @ 8pm 9 days in advance.

Who can enter:

All male Ordinary, Veteran and Honorary members with a Handicap Index and Junior boys with a Handicap Index of 3.0 or lower.

Junior boys with Handicap Index of 14 or lower can book 2 days prior to the competition.

No casual golf unless where the timesheet specifically permits at the end of the day.

No guests or clubhouse members.


All year round

Entry fee:

€6 for regular competitions, see timesheet banners for others.


Men’s Committee – Competition Secretary Keith Bardon


Important note

Anyone playing in the competition on Thursday may not play on Saturday (irrespective of whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes)

↑Regular Competitions

9 Hole Competition for Ladies



9 Holes Stableford


End February – End October: alternate days are Friday and Sunday.

November-December: alternate days are Thursday, Friday & Sunday.

January- Mid February: Spring League: alternate days are Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

Friday and Sunday timesheets have designated competitions lines in the morning. Those are lines for competition golf only. Members can play on any other time of the day providing their card is marked by eligible fellow member.

During the months when the 9 Hole competitions are available on Thursdays and Saturdays there will be 9 Hole specific lines


Bookings for Friday and Sunday open on Wednesday @ 7.15pm (9 & 11 days in advance).

Bookings for Thursdays open on Tuesday @ 7pm 9 days in advance.

Bookings for Saturdays open on Thursday @ 8pm 9 days in advance

Who can enter:

All female members with a Handicap Index.

Junior girls with a Handicap Index of 30 or lower can book 2 days prior to the competition.

No casual golf unless where the timesheet specifically permits at the end of the day.

No guests or clubhouse members.


All year round

Entry fee:

€4 for regular competitions, see timesheet banners for others


Ladies’ Committee – Competition Secretary Marianne Doran


Important note

Anyone playing in the competition on Thursday may not play on Saturday (irrespective of whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes).

↑Regular Competitions

9 Hole Competition for Men



9 Holes Stableford


End February – end October: alternate days Friday and Sunday. 

November-December: alternate days are Thursday, Friday & Sunday.

January- Mid February: 9 Hole Winter League: alternate days are Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

Friday and Sunday timesheets have designated competitions lines in the morning. Those are lines for competition golf only. Members can play on any other time of the day providing their card is marked by eligible fellow member.

During the months when the 9 Hole competitions are available on Thursdays and Saturdays there will be 9 Hole specific lines


Bookings for Friday and Sunday open on Wednesday @ 7.15pm (9 & 11 days in advance).

Bookings for Thursdays open on Tuesday @ 7pm 9 days in advance.

Bookings for Saturdays open on Thursday @ 8pm 9 days in advance

Who can enter:

All male Ordinary, Veteran and Honorary members with a Handicap Index and Junior boys with a Handicap Index of 3.0 or lower.

Junior boys with Handicap Index of 14 or lower can book 2 days prior to the competition.

No casual golf unless where the timesheet specifically permits at the end of the day.

No guests or clubhouse members. 


All year round

Entry fee:

€6 for regular competitions, see timesheet banners for others


Men’s Committee – Competition Secretary Keith Bardon


Important note

Anyone playing in the competition on Thursday may not play on Saturday (irrespective of whether you are playing 9 or 18 holes).

↑Regular Competitions

Men’s Monday Plummers

The Plummers have been an integral part of the golf club since the mid 1970’s and continues to be a very sociable gathering on a Monday afternoon. It was started as a way of integrating new golfers to both golf and the Club. Plummers targets the higher handcap golfer. It is a very social group within the club who normally have a light meal after their golf.



9 Holes Stableford


Monday afternoon 3 slots just after 3pm and then from 16.30 onwards.


Opens 7 days prior to competition day (previous Monday to competition)

Who can enter:

All male members with a Handicap Index of 16.0 or higher.

Players can remain a Plummer during the year if their Handicap Index drops below 16.0.

Players whose Handicap Index increases during the year to 16.0 or higher are welcome.

No guests or clubhouse members.


First Monday in April until the second Monday in September and a hamper competition in early November 

Entry fee:

€4 for each competition, €5 for hamper competition 


Brian Monahan (chair), John P Power, Michael Sweeney, Declan T Smyth, Jason Ballard, Barry Timlin (Ex Officio) 


↑Regular Competitions

Ladies’ Tuesday Glass

The Tuesday Glass started back in the mid 1950’s. It is one of the longer running competitions in the club. It was originally designed for high handicap players and new members. The competition has since evolved and now welcomes all levels of golfers. It remains a very popular and social competition in the ladies’ section where mixing around is highly encouraged. It is played every Tuesday morning.



9 Holes Stableford with occasional Fun Competitions


Tuesday mornings until 11.30am


Opens on Monday 6pm (8 days prior)

Who can enter:

All Ladies and Junior Girls with Handicap Index.

No guests or clubhouse members


Start 1st Tuesday of February till year end

Entry fee:

€3 - for regular Stableford competitions.

€5 - for Fun Competitions, Glass Trophy and Glass Christmas Hamper


Claire Blake (Chair), Mieke McNamara, Dorothy Nolan & Jennifer Conlon


↑Regular Competitions      

Men’s Tuesday Invitational

The Tuesday invitational allows men to invite guests for golf and dinner. It has proved very popular over the years. They also run Super Tuesdays which is a 4 man team event and are introducing Mini Super Tuesdays which is a 2 man team event.



Regular Tuesdays 9 Holes Single Stableford, with re-entries depending
on the time of year.

Super Tuesdays and Mini Super Tuesdays – varying competitions in team formats to be advised prior to each competition


Competitions will continue to start from 12.30.

Super Tuesday’s and Mini Super Tuesdays to start from 12.00


Regular Tuesdays are open for booking 1 week in advance on Tuesdays at 9.00am.

Super and Mini Super Tuesdays will be released approximately a month in advance and will be advertised by email

Who can enter:

All male members and their male guests who must have a WHS Handicap


Regular Tuesday events are held throughout the year.

Except for Super and Mini Super Tuesdays: check your diaries 

Entry fee:

Members €6 entry and Guests €10 (Please pay in Pro-Shop)


Fintan Tierney, Jason Ballard and Gavin Carpenter


↑Regular Competitions

Wednesday Juniors



9 Holes and 18 Holes Stableford 


Wednesday mornings from 8.00am until 12.00pm during school holidays


Opens on previous Wednesday at 7.30am

Who can enter:

All Junior Boys and Junior Girls with a Handicap.

No guests or clubhouse members


February & October Mid-Term, Easter Holidays, June, July, August.

Entry fee:

€2 per person.   


VC Gary Ryan (chair), Keith Bardon, Maureen Flannery, Lelia Jennings (VC) & Brendan Seaver


↑Regular Competitions 

Men’s Wednesday Seniors

Having started in the early 1990s, the Seniors Competition is a longstanding competition in the club and caters for retired or nearly retired gentlemen who look forward to year round golf in a competitive environment. However, the competitive nature of the Seniors is not only confined to Killiney Golf Club as over the years they have taken part in the annual Inter Club Veterans competition for the Eric Patterson trophy held in Dun Laoghaire Golf Club.

The weekly Seniors competition in Killiney takes place every Wednesday and is well supported by both established and newer members. The Seniors year in the club is divided into 3 sessions of 4 months and prizes are awarded every week across two divisions. On the final day of each of these sessions a bumper Gala Day is held with special prizes including day prizes and cumulative prizes.

While there is a strong weekly competitive edge among Seniors the competition, in itself, affords the opportunity for informal social gathering among participants.



9 Holes Stableford


Wednesday 11.30am - 13.10pm in Winter.

Wednesday 12.20pm - 14.00pm in Summer


Opens on previous Wednesday from 9.00am (7 days prior)

Who can enter:

All gentlemen who have reached the age of 60 approx.

No guests or clubhouse members.


All year round

Entry fee:

€4.00 per member for regular weekly Stableford competition.


Declan T Smyth (Convenor), Matt Campbell, Sean Hayes, Paul Quinn 


↑Regular Competitions

Ladies’ Wednesday Fourball

The Wednesday 4 ball is an invitational competition and was designed so members could invite guests for a fun afternoon of golf with a dinner and prize giving afterwards.

Members may invite up to 3 guests. Beside the regular Wednesday Fourballs there are also  a number of Super Wednesdays which are sponsored and highly popular. Check your diaries for dates.



9 Holes 4 ball better ball 1 score to count on holes 1-8 with 2 scores to count on last hole.


Every 2nd Wednesday, as per diary. Keep an eye out for super Wednesdays


Opens 6.30 on the Tuesday 15 days prior 

Who can enter:

All full lady members with Handicap Index can enter and bring up to 3 guests with a WHS Handicap


Usually every 2nd Wednesday from 15th March to middle of November with a members only Christmas hamper competition to finish – please check your diaries for exact dates

Entry fee:

€6 per person to be paid in Pro Shop


Bernie Mulvin & Joan Woodroofe (co-chairs), Berna Williams, Maeve Hooper


↑Regular Competitions

Mixed Invitation

The Mixed Committee arrange approximately 18 mixed invitation competitions throughout the year. Most of these have a dinner and prize giving afterwards. They are very popular and tend to book out very quickly. Please check your diaries for details.








Who can enter:




Entry fee:



Lelia Jennings (Chair), Paul Kirwan, Vonnie Airey, Kieran Killeen and Dorothy Power


↑Regular Competitions