Date posted: 7th December 2022

Dear Members,

Now that the festive season has kicked off, be sure not to miss out on our Saturday Christmas Dinners and New Year's Eve Masquerade Gala Dinner - see details on how to book and menus below. Gather your friends & family (as guests are very welcome) and enjoy some well deserved Christmas cheer.

Also see below, our weekly casual dining Menu, that you can avail of (Menu can also be found on our Menu Board in the Proshop). There's nothing like a hot meal or snack after a round of winter golf to warm the bones!

Reminder: Social Levy
Any balance of your original Social Levy amount remaining as of December 31st will be forfeited. Monies on your competitions purse and any monies topped up by you are carried over.




New Year's Eve Menu

Goujons of Lemon Sole with Tartar Sauce or Chef’s Pate served with Melba Toast
Lemon Sorbet
Duck or Beef Wellington or Darne of Salmon

All served with seasonal green vegetables & Chef’s homemade croquette potatoes
Individual Chocolate Tarts
served with vanilla ice cream & caramel sauce topped with roasted almonds
Pavlova with Seasonal Berries served with Fresh Cream & Raspberry Coulis
Freshly Brewed Tea/Coffee & Chocolates


Smartcard Reminder: Please keep an eye on your smartcard purse balances and ensure they are topped up in advance of using your smartcard in the Bar and Pro-shop - Thank You.

Care & Maintenance Reminder:
Please repair all plug marks, divots, rake the bunkers properly (even if they are of not your own making), carry a sandbag and please keep up with the group in front – it's your golf course!

Photograph Albums
To view all 2022 Photographs please Click Here.

For the latest Competitions Results please Click Here

Ladies Hamper Dinner - Thursday 8th December
Second Christmas Dinner - Saturday 10th December (Entertainment by The Blue Moon Band) (Availability)
Bridge Christmas Party - Monday 12th December
Third Christmas Dinner - Saturday 17th December (Availability)
Last Sunday Lunch - Sunday 18th December
Men's Tuesday 9H Competition - Bring A Bottle (No Guests) - Tuesday 20th December
Any Combination Two Person Team Event Sweep - Thursday 22nd December
Christmas Lunch - Thursday 22nd December (Limited Availability)
Last Christmas Lunch - Friday 23rd December (Limited Availability)
Christmas Eve - Clubhouse Closed - Saturday 24th December
Christmas Day - Clubhouse Closed - Sunday 25th December
St. Stephen's Day - Clubhouse Closed - Monday 26th December
Captains' Charity 9H Invitation Team Event - Tuesday 27th December (Details to Follow)
New Year's Eve Masquerade Gala Dinner with DJ & Disco - Saturday 31st December (Availability)