Date posted: 26th January 2022

Dear Members

Update on Government Covid Restrictions
At long last we had the fantastic news we have all been waiting for from Government last Friday evening.
We are delighted to inform you that the Bar and Dining Room are now back to full opening hours with full capacity.  Also, it is no longer mandatory for members to wear masks in the Clubhouse (NB: staff must keep wearing them until further notice).

Strategic Survey
Last week we had over 150 members complete the online survey to help us plan for the future of the Club.
To those of you who have not completed the Survey yet it is still live online at
The Survey link will only allow you use it once on each device. So, if there are two of you in the one household you will need to use different devices.  For example, one could use a laptop and the other a smart phone or an iPad.
John Waldron - Chair, Strategic Planning Committee.

Website Photograph Management – Volunteers Still Needed
If you have a little spare time and are interested in the upkeep of the clubs photographs on the website, the Web Committee are looking for volunteers as follows:
1). At least 2 volunteers (both Male & Female) to identify members in current photographs being uploaded onto the website and to tag their names under each photograph and to add captions where relevant.
2). At least 2 volunteers to upload these images onto the website on Jalbum (our photograph display system).  No in-depth technical computer skills are needed and training will be given.
Please contact Mags in the office if you can help with either or both of these requests.
Cathy McGovern - Chair, Web Committee.

Sean Blake R.I.P.
We are very sorry to learn of the passing of member Sean Blake.
We offer our sincerest condolences to Claire & family.  May He Rest in Peace.
Funeral details can be found here.

For the latest Competitions Results please Click Here

St. Valentine's Dinner - Saturday 12th February (Details to follow tomorrow)