Date posted: 13 March 2017, 5:17pm
Killiney Golf Club Invitation Mixed Foursomes Matchplay Competition
Sunday 14th May – Friday 19th May 2017
Download: Entry Form
Download: Invitation Mixed Foursomes Poster
Download: Competition Details
The above competition will take place from Sunday 14th May to Friday 19th May 2017. Our Mixed Invitation week has been running now since 1970 and is still proving as popular as ever.
The combined playing handicap limit is 34 and the first round takes place on Sunday 14th May. Succeeding rounds will be played each evening with the Final on Friday 19th May. Following the Final there will be a prize presentation followed by Dinner and Entertainment.
This event is one of the most sociable of its kind and has been enjoyed by all competitors over the years. Competitors and supporters are cordially invited to sample our hospitality and dine in the Club on any night of the competition. Early booking for the final night is recommended.
Please ensure your entry forms are returned by post, full completed and with full payment, to the Club for the attention of our Secretary Manager, Niall Keyes, by Wednesday 19th April at the latest, as places will be allocated on a “first come first served” basis. Should you have any queries please contact Mags Wolahan in the Club Office 01 2851983.
In the interest of fairness to all, please note that the use of buggies in the competition will only be possible on the production of a current medical certificate.
We look forward to seeing all entrants in Killiney in May.
Yours in golf,
Photos taken during the 2016 tournament