Date posted: 24th April 2019
After a valiant battle with our friends in Castle Golf Club, Killiney went down 4/1 in the All Ireland Fourball played on Good Friday (it was for Castle, at any rate!), in wonderful sunshine and great spirit.
Three very tight matches, including two away matches going to 17/18 & two matches being called ashore a/s, with Castle 3 ahead overall, were pivotal to the outcome but unfortunately we just came out the wrong side.
Many thanks to our Killiney team who gave it everything, including a couple of very late substitutes who very kindly stepped in for members of the team in difficulty on the day. Our local supporters were also very much appreciated, as well as the excellent catering & service on the day, plus Carol in the Pro Shop's assistance.
Best of luck to Castle in the remainder of the competition.
Mark O'Connell