Date posted: 13th March 2019

Bonne journée mes amis,

Bright, sunny, Wiiiiindy.

Monday 18th of March sees the Junior Captains Drive in at 3.45pm. We would like to encourage all members to come and support Lily O’Mahony and Luke O’Brien on this special day. It will mean a lot to them and all of our Juniors members.

Great response to the caption competition in the quarterly newsletter. Keep them coming! You are a cheery bunch.

Our Website Training that was due to be held tomorrow evening has been postponed due to a diary clash to Wednesday 28th March.

Like to follow our Club Teams this year? You can find a link to all our Interclub Matches below which will be updated regularly on this page.

Jusqu'à la prochaine fois


Men's Singles - 9th March
Ladies Mexican Scramble - Thursday 7th March

St. Patrick's Day Nine & Dine Mixed Invitation Competition - Sunday 17th March
(Lines still available for afternoon Shotgun Start)

Ladies Wednesday Fourball - Wednesday 20th March 

KGC Team Matches 2019
St. Patrick's Day - Sunday 17th March
Bank Holiday - Monday 18th March
Junior Captain's Drive-In - Monday 18th March at 2pm
Past Lady Captains' Golf & Dinner - Friday 22nd March (Booking List available in Ladies Locker Room)
Bridge Supper Night - Monday 25th March 7.30pm
Website Training Evening - Wednesday 28th March @ 7.30pm
Clocks Go Forward - Saturday 30th March
Mother's Day - Sunday 31st March
Plummers Opening Night - Monday 1st April 4.30pm