Updated: 10 September 2019, 6:39pm

On Monday, 9 September, Killiney Plummers' Captain Ronan King hosted a most enjoyable Prize and Dinner, with Club Captain Brendan Barrett participating as Guest of Honour. With 55 playing and dining, the event rounds off a hugely successful series of Monday evening sessions, with average attendances of over 40 per session. True to form, a number of relatively recent recruits came to the fore, as Derek Ryan triumphed as Plummer of the Year, Leigh Dolan won the Plummers' Match-play - and Tim McStay won the Plummers' Captain's Prize.

Captain Barrett (a former Plummers' Captain himself) lauded the success of the Plummers' who he said are a valued and integral part of our Club's tradition and ethos, as evidenced by a special presentation to Hugh Brady - still leading by example and playing in his 92nd year!!"

   Plummers' Committee  


Alan Dooley


Frank Fitzgerald


Peadar Nolan


Ronan King