Date posted: 2 October 2019, 4:30pm

Did you experience a problem with the web site this morning? If you did, you're not alone. The web server that hosts our web site, and the web sites of dozens of other golf clubs, threw a serious wobble about 8:00am. It was off line for a few hours, and was eventually restored from a backup at approx. 12.00pm. Apparently a hard disk crashed.

Some images uploaded a few hours before the thing gave up the ghost were missing from the backup. Mags had copies, caught the errors and fixed them. But you can never be certain. So, if you spot a page displaying "?" in the middle of a page, indicating a missing image, please let us know.

(Oh! Just in passing I thought I'd mention. If you have stuff on a computer that's important, and you don't want to loose it, make a backup.)

Now if we could only fix the weather!!

Peter Bennett