Date posted: 20th November 2019

Dear Members,

A Special General Meeting of the Club is being held on the 28th November 2019 at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse to approve the subscription rates for 2020.
In the past we have held our Annual General Meeting at the same time as the AGM’s for the Men’s and Ladies sections, however with the financial year end being changed to the 31st December, our next AGM will take place in February or March 2020. Under rule 8. (a) it is a requirement that the subscription level should be approved by the members at an AGM or Special General Meeting before the 1st January in order that the subscription notices can be issued early in the new year.

This Special General Meeting is only necessary this year as for the following years the resolution will be put to the AGM in the normal course.

The Council are proposing an increase in subscription rates for next year. The last increase in subscription rates took place in 2011. Since that time the Club have managed the finances of the club and the expenditures that needed to be covered, within the parameters of the income generated by subscriptions.

However, there are a number of income and expenditure pressures that the Club can no longer fund from existing resources. During the year one of the Mobile masts was removed reducing our future income by €20,000 per annum. In addition, inflation pressures on all areas of the day to day operation are stretching the ability of the club to maintain service levels appropriate to our members’ wishes and ensure we do not operate a deficit.

It is proposed that there is an overall increase of €70.00 in the total amount charged for the year comprising:

- an increase in the Subscription rate of €70.00 from €1,410 to €1,480, and pro rata to all other membership categories,
- an increase of €30.00 from €100 to €130 in the Transition Subvention for all playing members in the Intermediate, Ordinary, Associate, and Veterans membership categories.
- a reduction of €30.00 in the Social levy from €380 to €350, and pro rata to all other membership categories.

The resolution proposing the subscription is detailed in the notice of the meeting.

Roisin McCarron
Honorary Secretary