Date posted: 24th July 2019
Morning Campers,
Well there you have it, another Irish Major Champion….pinch yourself!
Had the good fortune to follow him on a glorious summer day. His second short into the 9th was a thing of beauty.
Super Tuesday yesterday is followed by Super Wednesday today. We don’t do things in small measures here.
Be sure to put your name down for the Brownman Charity Day, 11th August, in aid of the Dermot O’Mahony Memorial Fund to the Blackrock Hospice.
Swing Lowry!
Men's Tuesday Invitation - 16th July
Seniors - Wednesday 17th July
Ladies 18 Hole Medal - Sunday 14th & Thursday 18th July
Men's Singles - Saturday 20th July
Nine & Dine - Friday 19th July
Plummers - Monday 22nd July
Men's Super Tuesday Invitation - 23rd July
18 Hole Invitation Team Event - Sunday 4th August (2pm Shotgun Start - 6 Lines Available)
Brownman Charity Day - (18 Hole Invitation Event) Sunday, 11th August (Timesheet opens tonight at 7pm)
Bank Holiday - Monday 5th August
Men's Super Tuesday - Tuesday 13th August (Timesheet Opens 30th July)
Ladies Semi-Open (Sponsored by Choice Boutique) - Friday 16th August
Father/Son, Mother/Daughter, Parent/Child, Grandparent/Grandchild Competition - Sunday 18th August