Date posted: 3rd April 2019
Morning Campers,
First up is a hearty congratulation to G-Mac for his win in Punta Cana which we all know is in the Dominican Republic! Still a chance for him to play his home course in the Open this year. That would be nice.
Another winner was our Irish Junior Foursomes Team that beat The Grunge by three holes. Well done to Conor Ryan, Luke O'Brien, Jacques DePatoul and Matthew Bardon. Next up is a match against Poorscourt on Sunday at 14.30 in the Fred Daly Trophy.
Unfortunately our Gallant Barton Cup Team were beaten in the deciding Match on the 19th Vs. Woolbrook.
Our appreciation to Cathy McGovern and Gerry Drum for their presentation on our website to members last Thursday. I had three takeaways!!!!! (Not the fish and chip variety)
The Winner of our Caption Competition and a dinner for two is Michael Hilary. The winning caption as voted on by the members is:
“Robbie the Rat has made an application for membership - he waits nervously outside the committee room to see if he made the cut”.
Keep her lit.
Men's Tuesday Invitation - Tuesday 26th March
Ladies Medal - Sunday 24th & Thursday 28th March
Saturday Ladies 9 Hole Foursomes - Saturday 30th March
Glenageary Cup Qualifying Round - Saturday 30th March
Junior Foursomes & Barton Cup - Sunday 31st March
Plummers - Monday 1st April
Men's Tuesday Invitation - Tuesday 2nd April
Nine & Dine Mixed Invitation - Friday 12th April
Killiney Mixed Matchplay Qualifying - Sunday 14th April
Ladies Super Wednesday - Wednesday 17th April
KGC Team Matches 2019
New Junior Members Meeting - Sunday 7th April
New Members Evening - Wednesday 10th April