Updated: 1 December 2019, 10:58pm
1. Introduction
Welcome to Killiney Golf Club. We are delighted that you chose to join us, and we hope that you become an active member of the club both on and off the course.
The committee, the staff and the members hope that you enjoy the experience of playing your golf at Killiney. We believe that you have made the right decision to join our club. Killiney is a long-established course which presents a testing challenge for golfers of all abilities.
It is easily accessible but above all it is a friendly and family-oriented club where you will be welcomed and accepted as a Killiney member. The purpose of Killiney Golf Club is:
Promote interest and good sportsmanship in the game of golf.
Provide opportunities for friendly golf competition and improvement of golf skills.
Provide opportunities for members to get together with others who share their enthusiasm for golf.
This document will provide you with the information you will need to assimilated into the club - if that is what you want. It will tell you who makes the club tick, who its employees are and how the club is organised.
Once your membership application has been ratified you will receive a Membership Sticker & Bag Tag. Please display these on your golf bag at all times. A copy of the Club Constitution is available from the office or can be viewed online here.
From time to time Local Rules will be posted on the notice boards in the locker rooms for member’s attention. Compliance with these rules is a necessity so please watch out for them and other notices as they may contain important information about golf matters and upcoming events.
The document will tell you what competitions are available to you, how they are organized, how to enter them and what to expect.
It will inform you of the less formal groups of golfers that you can engage with and how you can join them. It will tell you about the bar and catering facilities. It will tell you what our PGA Professional can offer you.
In short it will tell you all you should need to enable you to enjoy your experience at Killiney Golf Club.
“There are no strangers at Killiney Golf Club,
Only friends you have never met.”
If you have any questions just ask!!!
2. Who’s Who in Killiney Golf Club
Killiney Golf Club was established in 1903 and has occupied its current site for the whole of its history, although there have been many changes to the course during this time.
It is a member’s club which is run by a Council who are helped by a number of sub-committees.
Killiney Golf Club is owned by the members with the ownership of the club’s property vested in the Trustees, who act on behalf of the members.
Our key club staff are:
Annual subscriptions are payable to Killiney Golf Club. They fall due on Jan 1st each year and are collected no later than the end of March each year. Late payment may result in a penalty or sanction such as loss of handicap. The club’s subscription goes towards the costs of the maintenance and development of the golf course and facilities. A levy may be charged, redeemable against clubhouse facilities. The club subscription covers its administrative costs and the mandatory GUI membership fee as well as some vouchers for competitions.
Both subscriptions are collected together. Cheques should be made payable to “Killiney Golf Club".
Full, audited accounts are presented by both the company and the "Men’s Club" and "Ladies' Club” at their respective AGMs.
Competition fees are payable each time you choose to enter a competition among members.
Swipe Cards
On joining the club each member is registered with Golfnet and is issued with a Swipe Card, regardless of whether the new member has attained a handicap or not.
This card contains a unique 8-digit number (your GUI/ILGU number) which identifies you.
The card holds your details including your handicap. When you are playing in competitions, whether in Killiney or away you must swipe this card in the card reader to enter the competition.
Further details on the procedure for entering competitions are posted on the notice board in locker rooms. Your swipe card also contains two accounts. A Bar Account and a Competition Account.
You can check the balance on both your bar and competition accounts by logging into the Members' Area.
Bar Account
This can be used to purchase food and drink at the bar.
It may have credit from the catering levy when you paid your annual fees. It can be toped up at the bar or office. If you have credit as part of the catering levy it must be used by the end of the club’s financial year.
Competition Account
Members use the swipe card for payment of competition fees. You must credit your Competition Account at the bar, pro shop or office. A competition fee is automatically deducted from your account when you enter a home competition.
Dress Code
The club’s dress code is not onerous. Members are asked to ensure that both they and their guests obey the code in the interest of all. Jackets are required for the gentlemen in the dining room after 6.00pm at main event functions.
Smart casual wear including denim jeans and modern type runners are permitted in the bar and clubhouse, but not in the dining room. Collarless t-shirts and caps are not permitted anywhere in the clubhouse.
Sunday lunch dress code is smart casual for all members and guests.
3. Killiney Golf Club
Killiney Golf Club consists of three groups who hold individual monthly committee meetings.
The Men’s Club, who are responsible for the running of men’s golf and are governed by the Captain & his committee who in turn are elected by the members on a yearly basis at the AGM. The officers of the Men’s Club are: Captain, Vice-Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, and Hon. Handicap Secretary. The Captain for 2019 is Brendan Barrett. Captain for 2020 is Brendan Seaver.
The Ladies' Club, who are responsible for the running of ladies' golf and are governed by the Lady Captain & her committee who in turn are elected by the members on a yearly basis at the AGM. The officers of the Ladies Club are: Lady Captain, Vice-Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, and Hon. Handicap Secretary. The Captain for 2019 is Miriam McCullagh. The Captain for 2020 is Diane Browne.
The Council, which is made up of all members of the Men’s & Ladies' Clubs. The club has an elected committee who are responsible for collecting Membership Fees, the day to day running and the business affairs of the club. The council is made up of: Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Men’s & Ladies Captains, Vice-Captains, House Convenor, Course Convenor, Hon President and Trustees. Council Chairperson for 2019 is Ken Mc Cullagh.
Honorary President: - Michael Thunder.
Standing Committees
This is a small group of members who are charged with moving the club forward in the strategic areas. The initiative is based around four groups:
Communications & Marketing
Specifically, we are aiming to:
Improve membership levels
Develop initiatives to improve finance
Advertise the club and its facilities
Improve Communications
These groups meet on a regular basis and present their initiatives to the Council.
The chairpersons of the groups are:
Strategy: Ken McCullagh
Communications: Clodagh Hughes
Finance: Jim Mountjoy
Membership: Carolyn McGovern
Further details of the committees and those elected can be found on the club's website. If you have a query regarding a golf matter you should address your query, in writing, to the Hon. Secretary of the relevant club (Men’s or Ladies') and it will be dealt with at their monthly meeting.
The national governing body for Men is the Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) and for ladies is the Irish Ladies Golfing Union (ILGU). The Rules of Golf are laid down by the Royal & Ancient and this rule book is available free of charge when available. You can also browse the rule book on the GUI/ILGU websites.
4. Communication
Fixtures Diary
A fixtures diary is printed at the beginning of the year and contains a list of all competitions and sponsors for the Ladies' & Men’s Sections. This fixtures diary is available free of charge around the clubhouse or on the website.
The club's website displays a calendar of events. Sections are colour coded. You can subscribe to specific sections (e.g. Ladies' Golf, Teams and Social), and optionally automatically synchronise these events to Microsoft Outlook or to your smartphone (iOS or Android). Only sections you subscribe to are synchronised.
Our website is where you will find all you need to know about our golf club. It includes up to date news and information on the club, the course, functions and how to book, the Pro Shop, competitions and fixtures.
You can access the Members' Area by clicking the Members’ Area tab and entering your unique ID and password which is given to you when you join. Get into the habit of checking the website as this is where any useful information and announcements will be posted.
The website provides a treasure trove of information about the club including:
Club News
Directory of Members
History of the Club
Committee Members
Recent Results
Master Score Board
Photo Archive
Trophy Winners
…and much more
The webmaster is Peter Bennett.
Members will be kept up to date on club matters and news items via email and the website.
It is important that changes to your contact details are notified to the Club Secretary or are updated via Update My Details in the Members’ Area of the website.
Twitter and Facebook
Follow us on Twitter for course updates and up to date information. Our Twitter name is @killineygolfclub, The club’s Facebook user name is Killiney Golf Club.
Please review the document regarding the use of What’s App and the use of any communications between members (Text, Web, Facebook etc).
Course Status
You can check the status of the course by checking Course Information on the home page.
In the event that the course is closed for golf and your name is on the timesheet, you will be alerted via text.
Please note this information is input by the Course Superintendent.
5. Killiney Course and Course Card
Killiney has ten holes but in a full round eighteen holes are played. There is a diagram of the course layout on the back of the score card. As you play the course you will soon become familiar with its layout.
Please note that on the fifth and sixth hole, you should give way to members of the public using the Right-of-Way that traverses these holes.
You need to book a tee for most competitions using the website or the BRS system. For casual golf you do not need to book a tee time, but it is recommended, and you should ensure that there are no competitions or other events taking place.
You can find out what competitions are happening by checking the website fixtures page or BRS Golf and the notice board.
The Professional will be very happy to advise you if you are unsure about whether you are able to go out to play golf.
When on the golf course you should try to be aware of other players on the course and be considerate in your play. As a means to enhance enjoyment of golf by a majority of club members, the club has a Pace-of-Play objective for each competition round. Every golfer is responsible for staying up with the group in front of his/her group and to meet the Pace-of-Play objective. If a group falls a hole behind the group in front of it, the slow group should allow the group behind it to play through. You should try to keep pace with the group in front of you. If you are slower than those behind you, it is courteous to let them go through.
The club reserves the right to take whatever measures are necessary to achieve the Pace-of-Play objective.
You should always give way to anyone playing in an official competition and/or club matchplay event.
Safety is a major consideration at all times.
Golf shoes should always be worn.
Please take care of the course and remember the 3 R’s:
Rake bunkers
Repair pitch marks
Replace divots
There are four differently coloured tees:
White & Blue – Men’s competition tees
Red & Yellow – Ladies competition tees
Putting Green: This area is provided for putting practice only. Members should not practice their chipping skills onto the putting green. Practice swings should also not be taken on the fringes of the putting green.
Practice Areas: There is an area for practice situated at the end of the course. Care should be taken when using these areas and practice using woods is not permitted and under no circumstances must members hit balls towards the road.
Practice must always be played up the course towards the clubhouse. Unfortunately, the practice areas are not available when the course is closed due to weather conditions.
Our Course Superintendent is Michael Browne, Assistant Head Greenkeeper, John Hanly and 3 Greenkeepers. Any comments or queries on the course or greens should be directed through our Secretary Manager or Greens Convenor.
We issue information about course conditions on Twitter, Facebook and the website and inform members of course work via email. In the winter, Killiney has a notice on the first tee advising whether preferred teeing is in operation or whether placing on the fairway / rough is mandatory or not.
Care of the Course
Guidance on this and on general etiquette is included in the Fixture Card. Play from medal tees is only permitted during medal play or in recognised matches or club competitions. Notices are displayed during inclement weather with regard to the use of buggies and are at the sole discretion of the Course Superintendent or Greenkeeper on duty, if at weekends.
6. Competitions - Particulars of competitions
Please check the Members' Area of our website or BRD Golf for particulars of competitions for gentlemen, ladies and juniors.
In order to compete in a club competition, you must have a valid and up to date handicap. Members transferring in or players who are members of other clubs but wish their “home” club nominated as Killiney should obtain their latest handicap certificate from their former club and post it or hand it to the Club Secretary with an explanatory note for the Competition and Handicap Secretary.
To obtain a new handicap, or to reinstate a lapsed handicap, three cards must be handed in. These must be clearly marked “for handicap”. All cards must be marked and signed by a member who has a valid handicap.
Members are responsible for reporting away scores as soon as possible after the event and are therefore responsible for their own handicap and be aware of their playing handicap at all times.
The members’ area of the website allows you to print off a copy of your own handicap certificate.
GUI (Central Database of Handicaps)
Killiney feeds golf scores into the GUI programme. Members should be aware of their GUI / Killiney Golf Club number. Please ensure you provide your GUI number when entering competitions away from home. This will keep your handicap up to date.
7. Competitions and Timesheets
Details of specific competitions are provided in the Men's, Ladies, Junior and Mixed Sections below.
In order to play in a competition, you must have a club handicap and you must have another player playing with you who will mark (verify) your score. Some competitions are played in 3’s and some are played in 4’s.
Members usually organise there playing group and book on the time sheet. Members’ competition times are posted on the notice board in the clubhouse. A time sheet is available on request in the clubhouse. Members are strongly encouraged to participate in all club competitions.
Members are asked to be responsible for their own tee times and turn up for play at least 15 minutes prior to tee time.
It is extremely important that players unable to make their tee time notify the clubhouse in sufficient time out of respect for the Golf Club and their playing partners.
Players on arrival to the clubhouse must report to the desk, swipe in for competition, and pay competition from competition funds.
Members who bring along guests must take responsibility for their behaviour and etiquette.
Players are responsible for the checking of their own scorecards, making sure the correct date, handicap and competition are on the card.
It is not permitted for members to mark their own card.
Timesheets are used when there is a competition taking place as it allows competitors to book a time slot which is suitable for them to play golf. Once their names are on that slot no other group of people may tee off from the 1st Tee at this time, unless of course you are late in which case you forfeit the slot.
It also ensures that a proper interval of time is maintained between groups of people teeing off.
The timesheet is always available, at least 1 week before a competition on the website or BRS Golf.
BRS Golf have an app which is particularly convenient to use on a smartphone or tablet. The app is free and can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). The app name is BRS Golf.
If you do not have a playing partner, you are welcome to put your name on the sheet with others where there is a space.
The Men’s and Ladies' Committees encourage all members to play in the competitions organised and support the club.
Remember, competition days are for competitions and no casual golf is permitted, unless stated otherwise.
Entry Fees are due if a booking is cancelled within 48 hours of a Mixed Event or for a no-show. The amount will be deducted from the members' social levy purse.
Ladies' Section
18 Hole Competitions – see Notice Board or BRS Golf
9 Hole Competitions - Order of Play follows the sequence of names written in the book between 9.00am – 11.30am.
Timesheet goes live on the club's website / BRS Golf at 8.00pm on the Thursday week before the competition.
As well as the regular Ladies' Golf competition played on every Thursday, the following are a selection of the main Ladies' Competitions in the year.
Golfer of the Year Trophy – To be decided on the scores of 10 events
Lady Captain’s Prize - June
ILGU Silver and Bronze Medals – Aggregate of best 4 cards for 18 Hole Medal Competitions
Silver Spoon 3 Lowest 18 Hole net stroke play qualifying competitions
Solomon’s Salver the Top 16 Gross scores from the Presidents Prize qualify. Seeded Draw
Tuesday Glass
Men's Section
The organisation of The Men’s Club is facilitated by the Men’s Club Committee’, membership of which is elected at the AGM in December of each year. All fully paid-up members of The Men’s Club are entitled to nominate or be nominated for a position on the committee. Sub committees may operate from time to time to focus on particular matters of exclusive concern to the men’s club.
The Men’s Club holds 18 Hole Competitions – help every Saturday throughout the Year. Timesheet goes live on the club's website / BRS Golf at 8.00pm on the Thursday a week before the competition.
As well as the regular Men's Golf competition played on every Saturday, the following are a selection of the main Men's Competitions in the year.
Winter League – Men’s 18 Hole Competition, 5 best rounds from 8 competitions, held from late December until Mid-February
Golfer of the Year – To be decided on the scores of 10 events
Challenge Cup – Match play Competition held during 3rd week of June – qualify previous weekend
Men’s Fourball – Qualifying for Holmpatrick Cup
Men’s Foursomes – Qualifying for Glenageary Cup
Men’s Fourball – Qualify for Molloy Cup
Captain’s Prize – September
Seniors – every Wednesday
Tuesday Invitation
Plummers – Handicap 18+ - every Monday from April until October.
Junior Section
The official season for the Juniors Section commences first Wednesday in June and run through to the last Wednesday in August. The timesheet goes live on the club's website at 7.30am on the Wednesday before the competition.
Junior competitions also take place during Mid-Term, Easter and Christmas holidays.
For beginners a 6/9-hole competition runs from 9.15am. Team Competitions.
Junior competitions also take place on Wednesdays during Mid-term, Easter and Christmas holidays (check calendar and website for information).
The McCarthy Cup – Golfer of the Year
Sherin Golf Trophy – Match play for 16 lowest boy’s handicap
Boys – with a handicap of 16 or lower can play in the Men’s Saturday competition throughout the year if spaces are available. Names can only be added to the timesheet after 8pm on the Thursday beforehand.
Girls – with a handicap of 36 or lower can play in the Ladies’ Thursday competition throughout the year if spaces are available. Names can only be added to the timesheet 48 hours before competition.
Team and Mixed Competitions
All golf events now have a format of any combination of men & women unless specifically noted as a mixed member’s competition. Entry Fees are due if a booking is cancelled within 48 hours of a Mixed Event or for a no-show. The amount will be deducted from the members' social levy purse.
Club Invitation Week, held during last week of June, gives you an opportunity to welcome friends and family to play and enjoy golf at Killiney. Men’s, Ladies' and Mixed Competitions held throughout the week.
Killiney Mixed Competition, held during the month of May, gives you an opportunity to welcome friends from other Golf Clubs to compete in the now famous week long Killiney Invitation Mixed Match Play Competition.
Club Day – Held in June.
Friday Nine and Dine – Mixed Invitation.
8. Members' Benefits
Killiney members enjoy various benefits to their membership package. Please check the website to see what is available.
Membership allows unlimited golf.
Get and keep fit and active while enjoying the game of golf.
Members can obtain and maintain a handicap. Members with an official handicap may play in Club Competitions and in Open competitions at other courses.
Meet other members and play social games of golf.
Members may introduce guests at a reduced green fee rate.
Members will have full use of all the golf facilities in the Clubhouse.
Play on club teams at Inter-club matches.
The clubhouse is available for all members and their immediate families for parties, dinners and functions. We also cater for weddings, funerals and fundraising/charity events.
Our dining room and bar area splits into two sections and can be hired. Both sections will accommodate approx. 140 people for dinner. The club also has a meeting room that is ideal for business meetings, seminars and workshops.
Free Wi-Fi is available in the clubhouse.
Network: KGCLounge
Password: killiney
Bridge is played every Monday night from late September until mid-March.
President for the 2019 / 2020 Season is Marianne Doran.
Snooker is played every Thursday night from October to April – Gordon Horsfield.
9. Conduct and Social Behaviour
Appropriate social behaviour and respectful treatment of others is expected of all staff, golf members, and guests while using any of the golf facilities.
In the event of violations of the golf rules, as outlined in the member handbook, or inappropriate social behaviour by any person using the golf facilities, revocation of golf privileges may occur.
Violations of inappropriate social behaviour and disrespect of others include but are not limited to the following:
Unsportsmanlike conduct, including abusive language; club throwing; disrespect to staff, volunteers, members, or their guests; or abuse of golf course property.
Physical abuse or threat of physical abuse or verbal abuse towards staff, volunteers, members, or their guests.
Entering onto private property that surrounds the course or being disrespectful to property owners.
Termination of membership privileges In the event of a membership suspension or termination, there will be no refund of unused membership, green fees, trail fees, or dining fees.
10. Electric Golf Carts
Electric carts are available for Members and their Guests. Electric and pull cart rental fees shall be set by the Club and are available in the Golf Shop.
Carts may not be operated by anyone under 16 years of age. · Electric carts are limited to two bags and two persons.
The Golf Professional and Golf Course Convener shall determine when course conditions prohibit the operation of electric carts.
Drivers should avoid areas that are barren, wet, newly planted, or under repair and approach no closer than 30 feet from any tee, green or bunker or its shoulders.
Operators shall observe safe-driving principles at all times and must observe and obey signs, stakes and other markings used to guide carts and stay on the designated areas as much as possible.
Members will /may be charged for any damage they do to an electric cart.
Occupants should keep both feet within a moving cart at all times.
Occupants should read the operation instructions on each electric cart prior to usage, and should not operate a golf cart which is defective in any manner.
Any carts driven to the car parking lot must be returned to the course, and not left in the parking lot.
Privately owned electric golf carts* are permitted at Killiney Golf Club.
*Note: Private golf carts are subject to specific rules and regulations governing design, style, tire specifications and quality. All private carts must be inspected and approved by the Club Manager or Golf Professional. No carts will be permitted without such approval. It shall further be noted that approval may be withdrawn or denied at any time for violations of any of the aforementioned rules.
11. Personnel
Some club personnel..