Date posted: 9th June 2020

Fellow Members,

If anybody had told us at the beginning of the year that there would be over 1000 rounds of golf played in KGC in the first week of June, we would have laughed at them. Judging by the bookings on the timesheet for the second week there will be over 1100. With these levels of participation, we will all be well practiced by the time we return to competitive golf. Speaking of competitive golf, we had hoped to announce the timetable for this today. Unfortunately, we received notification late on Friday that full competitions must now be delayed until the 29th June. With this in mind, the booking format for the week 14th to 20th June will remain unchanged. Tee times will go live on Wednesday 10th of June at 19:00 hours.

Play will continue to be 4 balls at 14-minute intervals. Rounds will continue to be 9 holes only. Once again you are permitted to pre book 3 games in the 7-day period. If there are spaces available on any given day at 7.45am you may book further games for that day only. As we are now playing 4 balls rather than 3 balls please ensure you keep your place on the golf course. Your round should take between 1 hour 45 and 2 hours no more no less. Unfortunately, we are not reopening to guests at this time.

One group of members who have struggled to get game time since the 18th May are our Juniors and particularly those who do not have family members in the club. In an effort to facilitate the development of our future stars we will be allocating some time slots on Wednesday mornings and Friday mornings for these Juniors who will be accompanied by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to play in one of these lines as the accompanying adult, please contact Darina Heavey on 086 079 2484 or . Juniors who have reached their 18th birthday are classed as adults and may volunteer as the accompanying adult. As a reward this game will be excluded from your quota of three games. We will continue to reserve the lines for 70+ and full-time workers

The men’s and ladies’ committees will be in touch separately with their sections later in the week regarding our internal match plays and cups setting out a timetable and format for each competition. 

We expect to launch our new App on Thursday this week. Please watch out for the email which will include full instructions on how to download and the various functions which can be performed on it. Several local businesses have sponsored the development of this, and we thank them sincerely. Their details will be on the App in the next week or two.

The practice ground has reopened and must be prebooked by phoning the proshop. Full details are on the website. You are entitled to pre book 1 slot but as with the golf if there is space available on any given morning you may book further slots. 

Please continue to observe the following basic rules. 

The Club will be open to Members only and for 9 Hole casual golf only.

Members who have been out of the country in the previous 14 days should not visit the Club.

Members should not visit the Club if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with any person displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days.           

Members should not visit the Club if doing so puts them in contravention of government restrictions. Please note the 20km radius still applies until Monday the 29th of June.

Juniors under 18 must play with an adult.

Please arrive no more than 20 minutes ahead of your tee time.

Please observe the social distancing rules when parking.

Please change your shoes in the car park

Please register before play.

Only one group on the putting green at any one time

Please do not proceed to the 1st tee more than 5 minutes before your booked time.

Please do not tee off early.

Please do not touch the pins, the lever system is in place.

You may place your ball in the bunker, please smooth with your feet / club when exiting.

Course staff always have the right-of-way on the course during casual golf

On completion of your round please proceed to your car and depart in a timely manner.

The ladies and gents’ toilets in the locker rooms will be available but no entry will be granted to the locker rooms. Our staff will continue routine cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection of all locations, especially all common and high traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces. The course toilet remains open. The code is C1903.

Buggies, hire/pull trollies are allowed and must be booked in advance.   Buggy surfaces will be wiped down by staff prior to use.

Captains Brendan and Diane