Course status

Course Open. Buggies are permitted on the course today.

Take Notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Ordinary, Veteran, Honorary and Honorary Life Members of Killiney Golf Club will take place on Wednesday February 26th, 2020 at 8.00p.m. in the clubhouse for the purpose of transacting the following business.

1.    Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting.

2.    The adoption of the Annual Report and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st December 2019.

3.    The Election of Honorary Officers.

4.    The Re-Election of the Auditors.

5.    Proposed Motions.

6.    Election of Honorary President.            

7.    Any Other Business.


Dated: 12th February 2020.

By Order of the Council.


Niall Keyes
Secretary Manager

Copies of the annual Accounts will be available in the Secretary Managers Office from February 21st. Further copies will be available at the meeting.
Notices of Motions signed by the proposer and seconder must be given in writing to the Secretary Manager to reach him at least 10 days before the date of the meeting.


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