Date posted: 16th June 2020
Hi All,
Firstly thank you once again for everybody’s co-operation. Apologies for the length of these weekly messages but please read carefully as we have some important changes this week.
Thank you to all our members who have downloaded the Clubnet App. There has been a great response so far. We would encourage all to do so. If you need any assistance, please contact Niall in the office who will be glad to help.
Timesheets for Sunday 21st to Saturday 27th June will open on Wednesday at 19:00.
As mentioned above there will be some changes to the booking process this week. We will be running two trials to facilitate our return to competitions. The GUI/ILGU have mandated that we should have an individual electronic scoring facility in place. We will be utilizing the Score Entry facility on the Clubnet App. On Thursday, the 25th there will be a Ladies Test Day set up. On Saturday, the 27th there will be a Men's Test Day set up. We would encourage as many members to participate in the test as possible. Full instructions will be issued to those on the timesheet the day before the tests. On both days there will be lines reserved for casual golf also. Any unused lines in the Test sections will become available to all to book 48 hours in advance as in the past on Thursday and Saturdays timesheets.
Play will continue to be 4 balls at 14-minute intervals. Rounds will continue to be 9 holes only. We have decided to trial a removal of the 3-game cap this week. We hope members will show restraint and will allow everybody to get a chance to play. If the timesheets become overloaded, we will reintroduce the cap and excess bookings unfortunately will need to be removed.
We will continue to reserve times each day for the 70+ and the full-time workers and the Juniors on Wed and Friday.
Finally, when we mentioned the number of rounds played last week, we did not intend it as a challenge. It looks like if the weather holds, we will surpass 1200 rounds this week. This does come with some challenges. Our greens have been in magnificent condition but with the recent rain and subsequent slight softening there is a noted increase in pitch marks. Unfortunately, we cannot blame the visitors at present. So please could everybody repair their own pitch marks and one other. This will ensure that despite the incredible traffic our greens will continue to flourish and run true. Enjoy your golf.
Please continue to observe the following basic rules.
The Club will be open to Members only and for 9 Hole casual golf only.
Members who have been out of the country in the previous 14 days should not visit the Club.
Members should not visit the Club if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with any person displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
Members should not visit the Club if doing so puts them in contravention of government restrictions. Please note the 5km radius still applies until Monday the 8th of June.
Juniors under 18 must play with an adult.
Please arrive no more than 20 minutes ahead of your tee time.
Please observe the social distancing rules when parking.
Please change your shoes in the car park.
Please register before play.
Only one group on the putting green at any one time.
Please do not proceed to the 1st tee more than 5 minutes before your booked time.
Please do not tee off early.
Please do not touch the pins, the lever system is in place.
You may place your ball in the bunker, please smooth with your feet / club when exiting.
Course staff always have the right-of-way on the course during casual golf.
On completion of your round please proceed to your car and depart in a timely manner.
The ladies and gents’ toilets in the locker rooms will be available but no entry will be granted to the locker rooms. Our staff will continue routine cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection of all locations, especially all common and high traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces. The course toilet remains open. The code is C1903.
Buggies, hire/pull trollies are allowed and must be booked in advance. Buggy surfaces will be wiped down by staff prior to use.
Captains Brendan and Diane