Date posted: 29th December 2020

Dear Members,

Here's hoping you all had a very pleasant Christmas.

Please follow link to Covid-19 Update 26th December noting only members from a maximum of two households per line are currently permitted and No Guests permitted from Sunday 27th December - Monday 4th January (to be reviewed again on 4th January).  Follow link above for full details.

Ladies, please follow link for the Ladies Cocktail Spring League Draw & Rules.

Congratulations to our Captains Charity Day - Raffle Winners which was held on Sunday last 27th December.

Our very popular "Call & Collect Takeaway" is now available to order for New Year's Eve (Thursday 31st December)
Last Orders Tomorrow (Wednesday 30th) at 5pm.

Collections are on the quarter hour from 4.30pm-7.30pm.  Early orders are the more likely to get desired time slots.  Wine offers are also available to collect with your food order - See details below.

NEW YEAR'S EVE TAKEAWAY MENU - Thursday 31st December

Please Call Mags on Mobile 087 2235490 (during office hours 9am-5pm today or tomorrow) or email to place your order by 5pm tomorrow Wednesday 30th at the very latest.

Wishing all our Members a Very Happy & Healthy New Year.

Stay Safe!

Captains Charity Day - Men's Results - Sunday 27th December
Captains Charity Day - Ladies Results - Sunday 27th December

New Year's Eve Take Away - Thursday 31st December
New Year's Day Bank Holiday - Friday 1st January 2021
Men's Winter League 9 Hole commences - Saturday 2nd / Sunday 3rd January - Sponsored by Energia
Ladies Spring League 9 Hole commences - Sunday 3rd / Thursday 7th January - Sponsored by Home Instead