Date posted: 13th March 2020
Dear Members,
Following on from our previous email dated 6th March and reflecting on the Taoiseach's statement this morning and recommended guidelines from the GUI and ILGU received earlier today, the Club and Course will remain open but with some limitations until the 29th March. The club will remain open to members only, no visitors will be permitted into the bar or clubhouse until this date. From 6pm this evening the Club will not host any indoor events where 90 or more people are expected to attend. As this is a fluid situation, we will of course keep you informed if this date is to be extended.
In accordance with the recommended guidelines we will be implementing a social spacing policy in the clubhouse and dining area and seating will be re-arranged accordingly. The Cheltenham day today and the St Patrick's day competition on Sunday will go ahead as numbers attending are below the recommended threshold However as advised by the GUI and ILGUI we are changing the format of Sunday's competition from a shotgun start to regular tee times. An update and communication on tee times will follow on from the Mixed Committee.
We do need to be mindful of our more vulnerable members and our main priority is to keep all members and staff well. With that in mind we are respectfully asking members to remain away from the Club for fourteen days if you have;
1.Returned from any of the following destinations in the last 14 days;
China - Hong Kong - Singapore - South Korea - Iran - Japan or the following regions in Italy: Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna or Piedmont.
2.Been in close contact with a confirmed case of the coronavirus in the last 14 days.
3.Been experiencing Flu like symptoms and have not been assessed by the HSE.
The current restrictions do not prevent club competitions or casual rounds of golf taking place; however, we need to be cognisant of the social nature of our game and how this element of it is impacted. Common courtesies such as handshakes and other embraces associated with the etiquette of the game should be avoided and participants may bump elbows or fists as an alternative.
With your wellbeing in mind, cleaning procedures in the club house will be stepped up as necessary. We would ask all members to use the hand sanitisers provided around the clubhouse and to continue to follow the HSE advice on hand washing etiquette, etc.
The situation with Covid-19 is very fluid and we want to assure you all that we will continue to monitor the Department of Health's updates and should a further change of policy be required in relation to events or access to the Club, we will of course be in touch with you all. Attached also for your reference are the GUI and ILGU joint guidelines issued today. The link can also be read here.
For further information please visit the HSE website.
Your sincerely,
Roisin McCarron
Honorary Secretary