Date posted: 12th May 2020


Letter from the Covid Committee

Letter from Club Captains

Course Access

Booking & Arrival

The Clubhouse & Pro-Shop /To the Tee / On the Course

Home Safe & Summary


12th  May 2020

Dear Members,

We are writing to you with the good news that we have all been waiting for which is that we can return to golf as the Government begin to relax the lockdown restrictions from next Monday.  We have been busy preparing for the re-opening of Killiney Golf Club in advance of this announcement and on the following pages you will find the protocols which have been put in place for your safety.

We would like to acknowledge the GUI and ILGU who have been working hard behind the scenes on our behalf, consulting with Government to make the case that golf is a safe sport and could be included in the initial phase.  Our Secretary Manager Niall Keyes has been in regular communication with the Irish Golf Club Managers Association  (IGCMA) who have been sharing their knowledge and we would like to acknowledge their contribution also.  It is the collective decision of all IGCMA member clubs to support the GUI/ILGU’s protocol’s issued last Friday (see link here). 

The opening of the course will happen in five phases but it will be under constant review and is subject to change, in line with both the Government health guidelines and the GUI/ILGU protocol.

We do ask that these protocols are adhered to and your co-operation is key in that regard.  It is every individual’s responsibility not to let themselves, or their fellow members down and follow the protocols in place.  Those of us who have the good fortune to live within a 5km radius of the club can get back to golfing immediately and for those that live further afield, we would ask you to comply with the HSE Guidelines and wait until the 8th June when the limit increases to 20 km.  You might find this link helpful to gauge your distance from the club.  It is everyone’s wish that the measures can be relaxed on a regular and on-going basis so that we get back to some semblance of normality, including competitions, prior to season end however this can only happen if members comply with what is asked of them.

All golf must be booked via the BRS system as a record must be kept of everyone’s visit to the club. This is to assist the HSE in contact tracing so that other members who may have been in close contact with a confirmed case can be informed promptly if that is a requirement. If any member has a difficulty in using the BRS system, we would ask them to contact a fellow member to reserve a tee time for them as we are unable to provide telephone bookings at present.

As the club was limited to “essential maintenance” only during the period of closure, members are reminded that their expectations of the standard of the golf course should be tempered accordingly.

The following HSE Guidelines, which were issued in previous correspondence, still apply if you are visiting the golf course.    Here is a reminder;

If you are displaying symptoms of the coronavirus, have been in close contact with a confirmed case or have travelled from abroad you must self quarantine for 14 days. If you believe you have been in close contact with someone who is displaying symptoms but has not yet been confirmed, we would ask you remain away from the club in the interest of all our members. In exercising your judgement in relation to the level of contact you have had, please err on the side of caution until you receive either clearance or confirmation before returning.

Should a member who visits the club, test positive; we would ask that they telephone the office and inform Niall Keyes.  All such calls will be treated in the strictest of confidence.  

In the meantime, we will continue to keep you updated as the situation evolves, and restrictions begin to lift/change and we look forward to seeing you on the golf course next week.

Yours sincerely,


Covid-19 Sub-Committee



Dear Members,

On behalf of ourselves and Council we are delighted to welcome you all back to the golf club.   We are fortunate that golf has been allowed to be one the first sports to return to some degree of normality and all the stakeholders who brought this to fruition have our thanks.  We would also like to place on record our thanks to Michael Brown and our Greenkeeping team for carrying out the permitted essential maintenance during the period of closure - this has allowed us to return to our course which as you can see from the website is in very good condition.

Paramount in our thoughts now is allowing you, our members, to enjoy your game in a safe environment.  This practical guide has been prepared to inform everyone of how golf will operate during Phase 1 of our re-opening.   The measures are, we believe, robust and will be monitored by all staff in the coming weeks.  For you, the golfers, the guide covers each step of the journey from home to the appointed tee box and back home again.  These measures are in place from start to end of play seven days a week until further updated.  The measures and protocols are under constant review and refinement and will be updated as the need arises or in line with government, health authority or governing body updates.  

We ask for your complete co-operation with the measures listed herein as no doubt golf courses will be under extreme scrutiny in the coming weeks.  We hope that through our adherence to these protocols, we will work successfully toward the gradual lifting of the current restrictions and a return to as close to normal operations as possible in due course. 

Please enjoy your golf and stay safe,

Captains Brendan & Diane 



Course Access

·In the initial phase the Club will be open to Members only and for 9 Hole casual golf only. 

·Members who have been out of the country in the previous 14 days should not visit the Club.

·Members should not visit the Club if doing so puts them in contravention of government restrictions. Please  note the 5km radius still applies.

·Members should not visit the Club if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with any  person displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

·The usual reserved tee times for Men, Ladies & Junior Competitions are suspended until further notice.

·Bookings in the first instance are restricted to the following groups.

o    Ordinary & Associate Members

o    Junior Members must play with an adult and should play with a family member where possible or their sponsor.

o    Honorary Members

· The timesheet will run from 8am to 7.30pm approximately. 

· Play will initially be in:

3-balls at 14-minute intervals.
9 holes only.

·Bookings will be facilitated through the BRS system and will go live in three-day blocks. Bookings for Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th May will go live at 7pm on Thursday 14th May. Bookings for Thursday 21st May to Saturday 23rd May will go live on Sunday 17th May at 7pm. Future booking times will be advised on Wed 20th May following a review.

·As we anticipate extremely high demand, initially, members are only permitted to play once in each three-day block.  This is to facilitate as many members as possible getting some golf and will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Timesheets will be monitored so we would ask all members to respect this.

·If the timesheets do not fill and if there is space available on the timesheet at 7.45am on a given day you may book a second slot in that three-day block.

·For those cocooners 70+ who wish to only play in groups with similar members there will be slots made available between 11.00am and 12 noon each day.  Similarily for people who are currently working full time there will be slots on Tuesday and Thursday from 18.30 to 19.15.

·Course staff always have the right-of-way on the course during casual golf.


Booking & Arrival 

·Pre-booking your tee time in advance is compulsory in Phase 1.  You can book via the BRS.  Pre-booking is required to facilitate contact tracing should a member be affected with Covid-19. 

·Please note that golfers who do not use booked tee times will be restricted from making further bookings.

·We recommend golf equipment be sanitised before leaving home. 

·Ensure that you have enough golf balls, markers, tees to avoid having to exchange equipment with others.

·Golfers should travel to the Club alone, or with a member of the same household only.

·Please park in a manner to facilitate physical distancing.

·Arrive at the Clubhouse no more than 20 minutes before your reserved tee time.

·Resist the temptation to mingle prior to, or after golf.

·Change your shoes in the car park.

·Check-in is mandatory.

·A member of staff will be checking in all players please follow the signs for registration. Once your group is checked in, please proceed to the putting green but only when the group in front has moved to the 1st tee.

·Flags will be removed from the practice putting green. No more than 3 persons on the practice green at any one time.  Pitching around this green is NOT permitted. Holes will be covered, please putt to a tee peg.

·One practice net will be open and social distancing must be observed.

·The practice area will be closed except for 1-1 lessons with our club Professional Leo.  This will be subject to review.

Clubhouse & Pro Shop

·The Clubhouse and pro-shop will remain closed for now as per government policy.   Golf equipment retrieval from the basement lockers will be accommodated.

·The ladies and gents’ toilets in the locker rooms will be available but no entry will be granted to the locker rooms. Our staff will continue routine cleaning, sanitization and disinfection of all locations, especially all common and high traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces.

·Buggies, hire/pull trollies are allowed and must be booked in advance. Buggy surfaces will be wiped down by  staff prior to use.  Anyone wishing to purchase balls, tees, gloves, etc.  or hire equipment can phone their order in advance to Leo Hynes on 089 4977947 and your order will be available for collection at the registration desk on arrival.  Leo cannot accept any payments for the moment, so all orders will go on your account. 

To the Tee

·Groups are restricted to 3 balls playing 9 holes every 14 minutes in this initial phase.

·Do not proceed from the putting green to the first tee until the group in front have departed. Do not arrive at  the first tee more than 5 minutes before your allotted tee time. 

·Please do not tee off early even if the green in front is clear.

·Men will be playing the blue course; ladies will be playing the red course.

On the Course

·Please adhere to all signage outlining the social distancing guidelines in place.

·Holes must be played in order starting from the 1st tee.

·For those using buggies, please adhere to signage on buggies and buggy usage will be limited to one person at a time. If you must use a golf buggy, it must only be used by you and cannot be shared with or used by another player.  

·A ‘hook system’ on the flags will be in place to facilitate easy golf ball retrieval from the holes on the golf course. Golfers must leave the pin in the cup and avoid touching same.

·Ball washing stations will be out of use and course furniture will be removed where possible. Please do not sit on the benches that remain on the course.

·All rakes will be removed and a local rule is in place that permits placing your golf ball in any bunker on the course. Please smooth the bunker as best you can before exiting. Divots should be replaced as sandbags will not be in use. Please repair all pitch marks on the greens.

·Golfers are requested to personally dispose of their rubbish and take it home.  

·Family members should play together if possible, rather than split into mixed groups.

·Always observe physical distancing on the course.  Do not enter the next teeing ground until all members in the group in front have played their tee-shots and exited the teeing ground.  Do not exchange or share equipment, food or drink with other players during your round. Do not pick up another player’s equipment or golf ball.

·If your ball is lost, unplayable, or in a penalty area, do not take an option under the rules that involves doubling back on your position on the course. Instead, use an option that allows you to keep your position on the course.

·The on-course toilet will be available and will be cleaned daily.  The code is C1903.

Home Safe

·Return directly to your car and leave the Club.

·You may replace your golf equipment in the basement lockers where social distancing must be observed.  Please use the hand sanitiser provided before entering.

·Members must call or email the Secretary Manager with any post-round health issues or Covid-19 related queries. 


As the Club was limited to “essential maintenance” only during the period of closure, Members are reminded that their expectations for the standard of the golf course should be tempered accordingly. This document will be updated and forwarded to members as and when changes are made by the Club, the GUI or the relevant government bodies.