Date posted: 23rd June 2020
The Mixed Committee wishes to announce that the Qualifying Round for this year’s Springsomes will take place on Sunday July 12th.
Timesheet goes live tomorrow, Wednesday 24th June at 7.30pm
Mixed Straight Foursomes - 16 Pairs to qualify
Junior boys with a h'cap of 20 max and Junior girls with h'cap of 36 max may play if partnered by an adult member. Max of 2 Junior members per line. Members only.
The Qualifying Round will be played over 9 holes consistent with ILGU / GUI Covid rules.
Following rounds will be played over 18 holes commencing on July 20th.
Round 1: Matches to be completed by August 17th
Round 2: Matches to be completed by September 2nd
Round 3: Matches to completed by September 17th
The Final will be held on Club Finals Day: Sunday September 20th.
Please note these dates and if you are entering please be sure of your availability to play each round within the stated timeframes.
The Mixed Committee