Date posted: 18 June 2020, 4:19pm
Over the past few weeks members of the Killiney Gardeners' Committee have been cleaning up various flower beds and tidying up other areas of the course.
Charlie Barry, Chairperson of the Killiney Gardening Committee and Director of Operations. Seen here with one of the many instrument of torture.
Gordon Horsfield and Deirdre McDonagh in action.
A full trailer load. David Little loads the trailer. Deirdre McDonagh has a conversation with Gordon Horsfield.
Ronnie Kane pays a visit to inspect the "works". Seen with Gordon Horsfield, in full SWAT battle gear; George O'Connell, displaying sartorial elegance even while gardening; Ronnie gives the nod of approval; and Deirdre McDonagh is up to mischief. What is she trying to do with that instrument?
A close up of one on the many trailer loads of "cuttings".
Karl Unger takes a well deserved rest.