Date posted: Wednesday 18th March 2020 @ 19.45pm

Please note this updated version to earlier post today.
Apologies for any confusion caused.
Niall Keyes, Secretary Manager

Dear Members, 

Our ongoing aim is to keep the course open for as long as possible to help us all with our mental and physical well being, whilst keeping your safety as our top priority. Please note the following updates from the Covid-19 Committee;


For the moment the Thursday and Saturday men’s and ladies’ competitions will continue to go ahead subject to the following;

A) The marker is responsible for their playing partner’s card and should fill in their name, handicap, date of competition, sign as a marker at the end of the round and finally drop the card in the competition box. There is no requirement for the player to sign the card. 

The above also applies to those who are playing golf for handicap acquisition purposes.

B) Competition purse; it will not be necessary to top up your competition purse and your account can go into a negative balance until further notice. 


A) All rakes, ball cleaners, sandbags have been removed. Bunkers during casual play will be raked in the morning and afternoon by the course staff. Otherwise make your best effort to smooth the surface after play. Please repair your divots with sod.

B) The shoe cleaning air compressor has been decommissioned for the present.

C) Flags remain in place and should not be removed. The hole cups are now inverted to enable ball retrieval without the need to touch the flag. This will remain in place for both casual and competition golf.   Ideally use a gloved hand to remove your ball from the cup in case you touch the flag accidentally.


A) A Hand Sanitizer is provided in the basement locker. Please use it before and after competition.

B) For your safety, communal external touch points around the clubhouse are being cleaned regularly with disinfectant. This includes the on-course toilet, the basement and junior locker rooms.

C) The tables and seating around the clubhouse have been marked by tape and should not be used by members.

Personal Responsibility

A) You cannot play golf or use the practice facilities if you have returned in the past 14 days from ANY travel abroad (not just an affected areas).

B) You must remain away from the course for 14 days if you have been in close contact (i.e. physical contact or being within 2 to 3 metres for 15 minutes or more) with a confirmed case of the coronavirus either before or after that person experienced any symptoms and was subsequently found positive. 

C) You must remain away if you are feeling unwell or have symptoms associated with Covid 19 and do not visit the club until you are well and without symptoms for a minimum of 14 days.

D) Keep your distance before, during and after your game – the HSE recommends 2 metres.  No more than four people should be on any one tee or green at the same time.

E) Please play and leave and do not congregate in the car park or outside the club house.

Please continue to follow the HSE guidelines regarding hand washing and cough and sneeze etiquette. We will continue to monitor the Department of Health’s updates as well as the GUI and ILGU guidelines and should a further change of policy be required we will be in touch.   For further information please visit the HSE website.

Yours sincerely,
Roisin McCarron
Hon. Secretary