Date posted: 20th May 2020

We would sincerely like to thank all members for the way in which they have respected the booking conditions to date. It has ensured that everybody who has wanted to, has been able to enjoy at least two rounds this week. Having studied the usage, we are going to make a change to the current process. The next batch of time sheets to be released will run for seven days from Sunday 24th May through to Saturday 30th May inclusive. You can make up to 3 bookings initially in this seven-day period.  Once again when you have used your three bookings if there is space on the timesheet on any given day at 7.45am you may book an extra round for that day only.


Please continue to observe the following basic rules.

  • The Club will be open to Members only and for 9 Hole casual golf only. 
  • Members who have been out of the country in the previous 14 days should not visit the Club.
  • Members should not visit the Club if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with any person displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days. 
  • Members should not visit the Club if doing so puts them in contravention of government restrictions. Please note the 5km radius still applies

Please note the following message was received yesterday 19th May from the Presidents of the GUI/ILGU;

“Our sport will continue to be in the spotlight during the easing of restrictions in the early Phases of the Government’s Roadmap and we would urge you to continue to remind your members of the ongoing need to fully comply with public health advice and measures, including the overarching travel restriction (currently 5km), which applies to the whole population, including golfers.”   

  • Juniors must play with an adult.
  • Please arrive no more than 20 minutes ahead of your tee time.
  • Please observe the social distancing rules when parking.
  • Please change your shoes in the car park
  • Please register before play. 
  • Only one group on the putting green at any one time 
  • Please do not proceed to the 1st tee more than 5 minutes before your booked time.
  • Please do not tee off early. 
  • Please do not touch the pins, the lever system is in place. 
  • You may place your ball in the bunker, please smooth with your feet / club when exiting. 
  • Course staff always have the right-of-way on the course during casual golf 
  • The practice ground is closed except for lessons with our professional Leo Hynes.
  • On completion of your round please proceed to your car and depart in a timely manner.
  • The ladies and gents’ toilets in the locker rooms will be available but no entry will be granted to the locker rooms. Our staff will continue routine cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection of all locations, especially all common and high traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces. The course toilet remains open. The code is C1903.
  • Buggies, hire/pull trollies are allowed and must be booked in advance.   Buggy surfaces will be wiped down by staff prior to use.  Anyone wishing to purchase balls, tees, gloves, etc.  or hire equipment can phone their order in advance to Leo Hynes on 089 4977947 and your order will be available for collection at the registration desk on arrival.  Leo cannot accept any payments for the moment, so all orders will go on your account. 

Enjoy your golf and hopefully the weather continues to hold. 

Kind Regards, 

Captains Diane & Brendan