Date posted: 30th June 2020
Hi All,
It gives us great pleasure to inform you all that competitive golf has returned to Killiney. The first of the internal matchplays have kicked off and we wish everybody who is playing this week the best of luck. The draws have all been published and timetables are tight so please arrange your matches without delay. Please note if your match is tied on the 9th hole it is permissible to dovetail in until your match has concluded. Please ensure you observe all social distancing guidelines around the teeing area. Please leave the course once the match has concluded.
The timesheets from Sunday the 5th will have a much more familiar look to them. All will be 10 minute intervals and 18 holes will be permissible from Monday the 6th July. Please when you are booking if you are only playing 9 holes please choose this option to leave the relevant back 9 time free for other players.
Booking returns to normal for the Ladies and Men's competitions scheduled for the 9th and 11th July respectively. Ladies opens this Tuesday 30th June at 7pm and Men's this Thursday 2nd July at 8pm. All timesheets for casual golf will revert to being bookable up to 9 days in advance. Inverted cups will be in play for competitions.
From Monday 6th July we also welcome back the following regular competitions The Plummers,Tuesday Glass, Seniors and Saturday Ladies. Your various committees will be in touch as to when and how booking will become available.
There will be Two Tuesday Fourball events in July, (one on the 14th and one on the 28th). The Ladies Invitation Fourball will return on Wednesday 22nd July. Timesheets for these events will open on the 7th/14th (for Tuesdays 14th/28th) and 8th ( for Wednesday 22nd) of July.
Finally we hope to run a members only Nine and Dine on Friday the 17th July which will be a rolling timesheet from 4pm to 6pm further details to follow from the mixed committee.
Please continue to observe the following basic rules.
Guests will be allowed from 29th June. Please pre book your guest with the Proshop. The guest name must be on the timesheet and contact details must also be given at registration. We request members to ensure that their guests follow the guidelines and obey the instructions.
Juniors may invite guests who are U18 but only if they are members of another club and must produce their GUI/ILGU card on arrival.
Members and their guests who have been out of the country in the previous 14 days should not visit the Club.
Members and their guests should not visit the Club if displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with any person displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
· Please arrive no more than 20 minutes ahead of your tee time.
· Please observe the social distancing rules when parking.
· Please continue to change your shoes in the car park until Monday 6th July when Locker Rooms are due to reopen. .
· Please register before play.
· Only one group on the putting green at any one time.
· Please do not proceed to the 1st tee more than 5 minutes before your booked time.
· Please do not tee off early.
· Please do not touch the pins, the lever system is in place.
· You may place your ball in the bunker, please smooth with your feet / club when exiting.
· Course staff always have the right-of-way on the course during casual golf.
· On completion of your round you may enter the clubhouse for teas/coffees/snacks providing you have pre booked these in advance.
As regards Clubhouse entry / Locker rooms please see note dated Friday 26th from the Covid Committee. Our staff will continue routine cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection of all locations, especially all common and high traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces. The course toilet remains open. The code is C1903.
Buggies, hire/pull trolleys are allowed and must be booked in advance. Buggy surfaces will be wiped down by staff prior to use.
Captains Brendan and Diane