Dear Members,

The season is in full flow and while there is not much activity to report on there are a few things I would like to cover:


Mike Tyson once said "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”.  The plan to incorporate ‘false fronts’ on selected greens has not been as successful as hoped with the areas in question becoming highly stressed during the May/June dry spell.  These areas have been grown back in and some have protective mesh until they recover.  We will strengthen these areas and decide then whether to pursue again in the winter.

The #1 topic of course discussion from players in any club is the speed and quality of the greens.  During the season, the speed we aim for is a weekly measurement of 9 on the Stimpmeter.   Sometimes the speed will be 9.5, sometimes 8.5.  The variance is due to myriad factors such as weather conditions etc.  The thing to note is that the actual cut height during the season is always 2.75mm.

Our greens are comprised of the following grasses:

  • Poa Annua (4/5 different types)- 95%+
  • Bent- up to 5%

This year, due to a change in legislation, certain spray chemicals that included grass seeding inhibitors, have been banned.  All clubs are now issued with an individual reference number in order to trace all chemical purchases.  The result is that Poa Annua seeding during May and June has been more visible this year resulting in slightly bumpier surfaces during that time.  In consultation with our agronomists, Turfgrass, we have undertake a programme to increase the amount of finer Bent grass in our greens.  The first application of seed was last week resulting in the slits on the greens.  The second seeding will happen in about two weeks.  These two applications need to happen in a six weeks period from early June to mid July. It is hoped that we can increase the percentage of Bent grass to 25%-30% over the coming years.  Turfgrass were also highly complimentary on the results of our January double coring

Out of Play Areas

Areas of rough on the left of the 1st, left of the 4th, between the 4th and 6th fairways and in the general area around the 4th, 5th and 6th tee have been seeded with fescue grass.  While these areas might look untidy now please bear with us.  This grass will offer some visual contrast and definition for these areas.

3rd Bunker 

The new green-side bunker on the 3rd is now visible from either the 3rd fairway or tees.  This work has dramatically improved both the visual impact and playability of this hole.  


Some adjustments to fairway lines have been made this week.  The newly cut areas will discolour for a short time but will be unnoticable in 2 weeks

Congratulations to Jack Douglas of our Greenkeeping staff for his nomination for Student Greenkeeper of the Year.  This prestigious award is given annually to the best student in the UK and Ireland.  Jack is currently enduring an interview process in London and a results expected soon.  We wish him luck.


Graham Molloy
Course Convenor