Please insert a date in the Page Title of Results, e.g.
Ladies 9 Hole Stablefort - Sat Mar 5, 2016
Men's Tue Invitational - Tue Mar 15, 2016
A date in the Page Title shows up in the index, and helps members distinguish between postings.
A date in Page Introduction Text only shows up on the Noticeboard on the home page, but won't show up in the index.
The image on the left is an example of a recent index. If the dates were omitted from the two entries for Men's Singles, a member could not distinguishing between the postings.
The index is compiled automatically from the page titles.
The Page Introduction Text can be used to highligh something notable, like the winner of the competition. But that's your call.
Many thanks,
Peter Bennett
Tel: 087 797 5982