Date posted: 12th October 2016
Dear Members,
The Strategic Planning Committee would like to express its gratitude to all who responded to the member survey. We had 240 responses providing the committee an understanding of our strengths and some of the challenges facing the club.
The Strategic Plan will be built on six pillars namely, Membership & Participation, Finance & Revenue Streams, Governance, Marketing & Communications, Food & Beverage, and Course & Facilities. In addition to the member survey the Committee have gathered data from other Golf Clubs to assist in understanding the market place and to benchmark Killiney Golf Club amongst its peers.
The next phase of the project will be to convene a number of small workshops covering the pillars of the Strategic Plan with the membership, club committees, and staff. The purpose of these sessions is to get more feedback from members and employees, and get a deeper understanding of the key areas of focus.
The workshops will take approximately 2 hours and will include a strengths and weaknesses analysis session and will also address the Mission, Vision & Values of Killiney Golf Club. If you are interested in participating in one or more of the workshops, please send an email to Niall Keyes, Secretary Manager at indicating which workshop topic you wish to participate in by Sunday 16th October.
Having completed this phase of the process, it is the intention of the Strategic Planning Committee to propose a number of initial recommendations which will be presented to the Management Committee at the end of November.
Thank you for your continued engagement with this committee.
Yours sincerely,
Niall Keyes,
Secretarey Manager,
On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee.