There have been a few cases recently where gaps in information in the Directory of Members have caused minor difficulties. A member of one committee wanted to contact a member of another committee. The individual looked up the Directory of Members for a telephone number and found no entry under some of the names. 

You control your entry in the directory. If you want your name to appear in the directory you must give the system permission to display your name. So please check Update My Details. Update My Details is the first item you see when you log in. It will take only a minute or two to check the details.

Why you should check My Details

Updating your details via the website will automatically update the records in the Office. So please check that your telephone number, address and email are correct.

The details are used by:

  • The club to communicate with you
  • BRS (Timesheets) - you'll get an email when your name is added or removed from a timesheet
  • Directory of Members - you can opt in or opt out of the directory.

Directory of Members - Decide if you want a listing in the directory

Only members have access to The Directory of Members. The public do not have access.

If you are happy for your name to appear in the Directory of Members, set the setting to "opt in".

If you do not want your name to appear in the Directory of Members, you can "opt out" by changing the setting to "opt out".

Decide what you want fellow members to see

If you "opt in" you must choose the information that you want to appear in the Directory of Members. If the checkbox in the ‘Publish?’ column is not ticked then that piece of information will not be visible to other members. For example, if “Publish” is not ticked beside your address, then your address will not show up in the directory.

The diagram shows you my account. My name, email address and mobile is published in the directory. My land line is not published, because the Publish check box beside the number is not ticked.

If you "opt in" please ensure, at the minimum, there is a tick beside your name and telephone number.

The Directory of Members is not connected to the Timesheets. So if you decide not to include your email address in the Directory of Members, you will still continue to receive email confirmations of tee bookings.

Security - Only you can change the record

If you make a change to My Details, you'll be asked to re-enter your password before saving the changes. This is to check that it's you who made the change.  Nobody has access to your password.

It's a good idea to check that everything is OK

When you’re finished, check your listing in the Directory of Members to ensure everything is OK. If nothing shows up, or you're not happy, or there are blanks, go back to Update My Details and check the “opt in” and "Publish" selections.

If you update your account the changes you make will automatically update the record in the office.

An example of a listing in the Directory of Members

This is my entry in the Directory of Members. It only contains my name, a photo, email address and a mobile number. I've chosen not to display my address or land line.

If you need help, why not talk to a fellow member?

Alternatively, feel free to give me a call, or send a note via Feedback.


Peter Bennett
087 797 5982